[Asters: The Genera Canadanthus, Eucephalus, Eurybia, Oreostemma and Symphyotrichum Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Eastern Showy Aster, Eastern Showy Wood-aster, Showy Aster, Western Showy Aster
Eurybia conspicua
Synonym: Aster conspicuus

The photo above shows showy aster from Swauk Campground, Wenatchee N.F............July
23, 2009.
Showy aster is a stoloniferous aster, with solitary, stout stems arising from
woody rootstock. Leaves are large, ovate, elliptic, or obovate, up to 17 cm
in length, and up to 8 cm wide. The leaf margins are serrate. The flower heads
are few to numerous (10-40), in a narrow, leafy inflorescence. The rays are
violet or pale blue, the disc flowers yellow.
Showy aster is found in brush-filled openings in shady coniferous woods, at
medium elevation in the mountains.
Showy aster is found from northeast Oregon, north to British Columbia, east
to Saskatchewan and through central Idaho to northern Wyoming.

These 3 photos show close-ups of the flower heads and stem leaf of showy aster as seen from Swauk Campground, Wenatchee N.F............July
23, 2009.
Showy asters blooming on open, gravelly slopes along the Slide Basin Trail #372 about one-quarter mile uphill from the junction with Trail #5005, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 11, 2015.

Showy aster as seen along Canyon Mountain Road just downhill of the Malheur National Forest boundary............August 19, 2011.
These 4 photos show showy aster from both the Bowman Trail and Chief Joseph Trail, Eagle Cap
Wilderness..........July 27, 1997.
Paul Slichter