Entire-leaved Aster, Sticky Aster, Thickstem Aster, Thick-stemmed Aster
Eurybia integrifolia
Synonym: Aster integrifolius
Thickstem aster as seen along the Lick Creek Trail #231, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.......August 11, 2018.

Sticky aster as seen along the Van Patten Lake Trail #1634, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest........July 27, 2013. This species looks similar to northern aster (Canadanthus modestus), especially in terms of the sticky purlish gland-tipped hairs on the upper stem and involucral bracts but northern aster is found in moist riparian or meadow habitats while sticky aster is found on drier upland sites.

Close-ups of the inflorescence and stem and basal leaves of sticky aster as seen along the Van Patten Lake Trail #1634, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest........July 27, 2013.
Sticky aster as seen along the Maxwell Lake Trail about one mile uphill to the west of the trailhead, Eagle Cap Wilderness..........August 3, 2016.
Sticky aster observed in a vernally moist swale along FS Road 3915 near the headwaters of the North Fork Twelvemile Creek, Fremont-Winema National Forest......July 31, 2020.

Stem leaves of what may be enitre-leaved aster as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011. The similar showy aster (Eurybai conspicua), which has serrate leaf margins, is found at a slightly lower altitude along the access road to the trailhead.

Stem leaf of what may be enitre-leaved aster as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011.
Paul Slichter