Entire-leaved Aster, Sticky Aster, Thickstem Aster, Thick-stemmed Aster
Eurybia integrifolia
Synonym: Aster integrifolius
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Thickstem aster as seen along the Lick Creek Trail #231, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.......August 11, 2018.
Sticky aster as seen along the Van Patten Lake Trail #1634, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest........July 27, 2013. This species looks similar to northern aster (Canadanthus modestus), especially in terms of the sticky purlish gland-tipped hairs on the upper stem and involucral bracts but northern aster is found in moist riparian or meadow habitats while sticky aster is found on drier upland sites.
Close-ups of the inflorescence and stem and basal leaves of sticky aster as seen along the Van Patten Lake Trail #1634, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest........July 27, 2013.
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Sticky aster as seen along the Maxwell Lake Trail about one mile uphill to the west of the trailhead, Eagle Cap Wilderness..........August 3, 2016.
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Sticky aster observed in a vernally moist swale along FS Road 3915 near the headwaters of the North Fork Twelvemile Creek, Fremont-Winema National Forest......July 31, 2020.
Stem leaves of what may be enitre-leaved aster as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011. The similar showy aster (Eurybai conspicua), which has serrate leaf margins, is found at a slightly lower altitude along the access road to the trailhead.
Stem leaf of what may be enitre-leaved aster as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011.
Paul Slichter