[Arnicas and Leopardbanes: The Genus Arnica East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Dwarf Heart-leaved Arnica

Arnica cordifolia var. pumila

No varieties of Arnica cordifolia are currently recognized as separate in Oregon. Individuals of this former variety as found in the Sierran-Cascade Ranges are often ascribed as the similar Arnica nevadensis.

Dwarf Heart-leaved Arnica: Arnica cordifolia var. pumila (curretly lumped with Arnica cordifolia)

A habitat view of what might be the former Arnica cordifolia var. pumila as photographed at about 8380' in a boulder field about 70 meters south of Wildhorse Lake and slightly east of a small tarn that is south of the lake. Steens Mountain Recreation Area.........July 10, 2014.

Dwarf Heart-leaved Arnica: Arnica cordifolia var. pumila (curretly lumped with Arnica cordifolia) - Basal leaf of Dwarf Heart-leaved Arnica: Arnica cordifolia var. pumila (curretly lumped with Arnica cordifolia) - Dwarf Heart-leaved Arnica: Arnica cordifolia var. pumila (curretly lumped with Arnica cordifolia)

Additional close-ups of what might be the former Arnica cordifolia var. pumila. The basal leaves are thick with ovate blades with rounded to subcordate bases. Undersides of the blades appear to be copiously covered with spreading hairs which are gland-tipped. The involucral bracts are covered with long, white hairs but appear to lack gland-tipped hairs. Photographed at about 8380' in a boulder field about 70 meters south of Wildhorse Lake and slightly east of a small tarn that is south of the lake. Steens Mountain Recreation Area.........July 10, 2014.

Paul Slichter