Sticky Arnica, Sticky-leaf Arnica, Varied-leaved Arnica
Arnica ovata
Synonym: Arnica x diversifolia

Sticky arnica growing on open alpine slopes above 8000' on Strawberry Mountain, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness..........August 19, 2011.
Sticky arnica growing on open alpine slopes above 8000' on Strawberry Mountain, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........August 19, 2011.

Sticky arnica blooming at a spot where the snow stays late into the season near the upper part of the Strawberry Basin Trail #375, several hundred yards from the junction with the Onion Creek Trail #368.........July 18, 2013.
What appears to be sticky arnica (left) just emerging on slopes just emerged from snow at a pass about one mile to the northeast of High Lake, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........July 17, 2013. Arnica diversifolia, Arnica mollis and Arnica rydbergii are all found in the area. The photo at right shows sticky arnica as seen in a granitic boulder field which appears to be an avalanche chute directly uphill to the west of Lost Lake and along the East Fork Lostine River Trail, Eagle Cap Wilderness..........August 4, 2016.
Sticky arnica observed under mountain mahogany trees at the summit of Crane Mountain, Fremont-Winema National Forest.......August 1, 2020.
Paul Slichter