[Everlastings and Pussytoes: The Genus Antennaria East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]
Silvery Brown Everlasting, Woodrush Pussytoes, Woodrush Pussy-toes
Antennaria luzuloides ssp. luzuloides
Synonyms: Antennaria luzuloides var. luzuloides, Antennaria luzuloides var. oblanceolata

The photo above shows a close-up view of the inflorescence of woodrush pussytoes as photographed along the Yakima-Klickitat county line at the southeastern side of Mt. Adams..........May 29, 2006. Note how each of the flower heads is somewhat broader than those found in most of the other species of pussytoes.
Woodrush pussytoes is a perennial wildflower with one to several floral scapes arising 20-80 cm high from a branched, woody base. It is not a mat-forming species. The herbage of the stems and leaves is gray-haired to woolly. The lower leaves are erect, linear-oblanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, and range up to 6 cm long and 6 mm wide. The upper stem leaves are reduced in size and more linear in shape. The stem leaves alternate on the stems.
The numerous flower heads form a fairly loose corymb of short-cylindric or bell-shaped flower heads. The involucres are 4-5 mm high with the bracts glabrous. The lower involucral bracts are pale greenish-brown, the upper parts of the bracts whitish. All flowers are disk flowers. There are no ray flowers. The flowers are imperfect, with the staminate and pistillate flowers found on separate plants.
Woodrush pussy-toes is a wildflower of open, moderately dry and gravelly places
from the foothills to moderate elevation in the mountains.
Woodrush pussy-toes is found from southern British Columbia south
to through north-central Oregon to northern California and east to western Montana
and northern Utah.
Woodrush pussytoes beginning to bloom along the Steens Mountain North Loop Road below Fish Lake, Steens Mountain of southeastern Oregon................June 2, 2012.
Woodrush pussytoes as seen along Forest Service Road 3521 several hundred meters east of the junction with FS Road 35, Wenatchee National Forest..............July 6, 2012.

The photo above shows a close-up side view of the inflorescence of woodrush pussytoes. Note the grayish hairs covering the stem within the inflorescence and the greenish bracts.

The photo above shows a close-up side-view of the lower stem of woodrush pusstytoes. Note the long, narrow, grayish leaves which help identify this species.
The photo at left shows a close-up view of the general form of woodrush pussytoes as seen on the Yakama-Klickitat County line on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams..........May 29, 2006. Note how the stem is fairly well covered with long leaves up to at least mid-stem. The photo at right shows woodrush pussytoes on balds near Stentz Springs, Umatilla National Forest......June 18, 2203.
The photo at left shows a close-up of the inflorescence of woodrush pussytoes as seen at the Ray Ridge Viewpoint in the Umatilla National Forest of southeastern Washington........June 25, 2007.
The photo at right shows woodrush pussytoes as seen along a jeep road north of Box Canyon Road, Simcoe Mountains Unit, Klickitat Wildlife Area.....May 10, 2021.

The photo above shows a close-up of the basal leaves and lower stem leaves of woodrush pussytoes as seen at the Ray Ridge Viewpoint in the Umatilla National Forest of southeastern Washington.........June 25, 2007.
Woodrush pussytoes observed in vernally moist scablands on BLM lands along Box Canyon Road about one-half mile east of the gated trailhead which is on Simcoe Mountains Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area lands......May 22, 2022.

What appears to be woodrush pussytoes as seen along Forest Service Road #3615 in the North Warner Mountains, Fremont National Forest..........June 12, 2016.
Paul Slichter