[Pussy-toes: The Genus Antennaria East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes

Antennaria racemosa

Staminate flower heads of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes

The photo above shows a close-up of the staminate flower heads of Hooker's pussytoes as photographed on cliffs on the northwest side of Mt. Adams................May 30, 2005.

Staminate flower heads of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's PussytoesThe photo at right is a close-up of the inflorescence of a male slender pussy-toes. Note the minute glands on the involucres. Photographed at the Grassy Knoll Trailhead, Gifford Pinchot N.F..........July 7, 1991.

Slender pussy-toes is a perennial wildflower with several upright stems arising from 10-60 cm high from creeping, leafy stolons. The herbage of the stems is thinly tomentose below and evidently glandular above. The basal leaves are short-petiolate with elliptic t elliptic-ovate or elliptic-obovate blades. The blades range from 1.5-8 cm long and 1-5 cm wide with a persistent cottony-tomentose lower surface and green and typically hairless upper surfaces (as seen in the photo above).

The inflorescence consists of a racemiform series of several flower heads, each flower head at the end of a long, slender stalk (as seen at right). The involucres are only lightly or scarcely tomentose. The involucres of the broader male flower heads range from 4-5 mm high while those of the narrower female heads range from 6-8 mm high. The tiny flowers are white.


Slender pussy-toes is a wildflower of moist forest openings from middle to higher elevations in the mountains.


Antennaria racemosa is found from British Columbia and Alberta south to Washington, Oregon, central Idaho and Wyoming.

Inflorescence of a male plant of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes - Stem leaf of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes - Pistillate flower head of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes

Close-up of a staminate flower head of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes - Involucre of a staminate flower head of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes

The photos above show various views of slender pussy-toes as seen along Hat Pt. Road in the Hells Canyon National Recreational Area of northeastern Oregon.........June 26, 2007.

Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes: Antennaria racemosa

Slender pussy-toes as seen in forest on the north side of Kamiak Butte, Kamiak Butte County Park, Whitman County, Washington.........June 11, 2013.

Basal leaves of Slender Pussytoes, Slender Everlasting, Raceme Pussytoes, Raceme Pussy-toes, Hooker's Pussytoes

The photo above shows the leaves of Hooker's pussytoes as photographed on cliffs on the northwest side of Mt. Adams........May 30, 2005. The upper leaf surface is bright green and white-woolly below.

Paul Slichter