[Pussytoes: The Genus Antennaria East of the Cascade Mts of Oregon and Washington]

Dwarf Spreading Pussytoes, Flagellate Pussytoes, Stoloniferous Everlasting, Whip Pussytoes

Antennaria flagellaris

Synonym: Antennaria dimorpha var. flagellaris

Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris

Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest...........June 5, 2011.

Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris - Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris

Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen near the junctions of forest roads #35 and #3521 in the Wenatchee National Forest...........June 5, 2009.

Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris

Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen atop Bickleton Ridge in the Bickleton Ridge Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area...........May 7, 2017.

Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris - Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris

Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen along Forest Service Road #3517, Wenatchee National Forest.............July 6, 2012.

Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris - Dwarf Spreading Everlasting: Antennaria flagellaris

Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen on lithosol soils at the junction of Forest Service Roads 35 and 3517 on Table Mountain, Wenatchee National Forest..........June 4, 2013.

Paul Slichter