Dwarf Spreading Pussytoes, Flagellate Pussytoes, Stoloniferous Everlasting, Whip Pussytoes
Antennaria flagellaris
Synonym: Antennaria dimorpha var. flagellaris
Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest...........June 5, 2011.
Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen near the junctions of forest roads #35 and #3521 in the Wenatchee National Forest...........June 5, 2009.
Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen atop Bickleton Ridge in the Bickleton Ridge Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area...........May 7, 2017.
Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen along Forest Service Road #3517, Wenatchee National Forest.............July 6, 2012.
Dwarf spreading everlasting as seen on lithosol soils at the junction of Forest Service Roads 35 and 3517 on Table Mountain, Wenatchee National Forest..........June 4, 2013.
Paul Slichter