[Butterflies East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Coppers East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

An unidentified copper nectaring upon Symphyotrichum cusickii, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area......August 11, 2018.

An unidentified copper nectaring upon the flowers of Cusick's aster (Symphyotrichum cusickii), Lick Creek Trail #231, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.......August 11, 2018.

Updated February 12, 2019

American Copper: Lycaena phlaeas

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

Edith's Copper: Lycaena editha

Gorgon Copper: Lycaena gorgon

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

Lustrous Copper: Lycaena cuprea

Mariposa Copper: Lycaena mariposa

Purplish Copper: Lycaena helloides

Ruddy Copper: Lycaena rubida

Tailed Copper: Lycaena arota

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

Lilac-bordered Copper: Lycaena nivalis

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