[Coppers East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Blue Copper

Lycaena heteronea

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea and other butterflies

The upper two photos show the underside view of blue coppers nectaring on gray horsebrush (Tetradymia canescens) as seen atop Pine Mountain to the southeast of Bend, OR, Deschutes National Forest.........July 11, 2017. The lower images show both blue coppers along with a hairstreak, wood nymph and a species of blue from the same location.

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

A blue copper nectaring upon Greene's goldenweed (Ericameria greenei) along the Bonny Lake Trail about one-half mile east of Bonny Lakes, Eagle Cap Wilderness........August 12, 2018.

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

Blue coppers observed on Piper's buckwheat (Eriogonum flavum var. piperi) atop Sugarloaf Mountain, several miles north of Fish Lake Campground, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.......August 13, 2018.

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

A blue copper nectaring upon the flowers of hyacinth cluster lily (Triteleia hyacinthina) along Forest Road 3915 in the Bald Hills near Mount Bidwell. This is about a mile north of the California border in the Fremont-Winema National Forest........July 31, 2020.

Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea - Blue Copper: Lycaena heteronea

Blue coppers observed upon foothill daisy (Erigeron corymbosus) along the Stubblefield Trail near Stubblefield Lake, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.........July 4, 2018.

Paul Slichter