[The Saxifrage Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Oregon Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort

Bolandra oregana

Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana

Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana)

The photo above shows a close-up sideview of the flower of Oregon bolandra as seen on moist cliffs near Hat Pt in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.........June 28, 2007. Note the numerous glands on the pedicels below the flowers.

Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana) The photo at right shows a close-up view of the flower of Oregon bolandra as seen on moist cliffs near Hat Pt in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area........June 28, 2007. Note the long narrow petals lined with red.

Oregon bolandra is a perennial herb with slender, erect or arching stems from 15-60 cm high from short bulblet-bearing rootstocks. The herbage is short glandular-hairy. The basal leaves are heart-shaped with shallow lobes which are further divided into small acute teeth. The leaves are thin, 3-7 cm wide, and have long slender petioles. The 2-4 stem leaves are reduced in size and have long stipules.

The inflorescence is a loose panicle with several side branches,these each having 1-7 flowers. The yellow-green calyx is globose at its base and narrowed above with a length of 5-8 mm. The calyx lobes are long and thin. The 5 spreading petals are dark purple and linear in shape, and about equal in length to longer than the calyx lobes.

Variety imnahaensis from northeastern Oregon has a panicle with longer branches that are more slender and diffuse than those of their western cousins. The calyx is also narrower with longer and more slender lobes.

Oregon bolandra may be found on moist shady cliffs, often near waterfalls.


Oregon bolandra may be found along the lower Willamette River, in the Columbia River Gorge and along the Snake and Imnaha Rivers in northeastern Oregon and adjacent Idaho.

Basal leaves of Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana)

The photo above shows a close-up view of the basal leaves of Oregon bolandra as seen on moist cliffs near Hat Pt in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.........June 28, 2007.

Bolandra, Northern False Coolwort, Oregon Bolandra: Bolandra oregana (Synonyms: Bolandra oregana var. imnahaensis, Bolandra oregana var. oregana)

Oregon bolandra from McCord Creek in the Columbia River Gorge..........May 1992.

Paul Slichter