American Red Raspberry, Grayleaf Red Raspberry, North American Red Raspberry, Western Red Raspberry
Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus
Synonyms: Rubus carolinianus, Rubus idaeus ssp. melanolasius, Rubus idaeus ssp. sachalinensis, Rubus idaeus var. aculeatissimus, Rubus idaeus var. canadensis, Rubus idaeus var. gracilipes, Rubus idaeus var. melanolasius, Rubus idaeus var. melanotrachys, Rubus idaeus var. strigosus, Rubus melanolasius, Rubus neglectus, Rubus strigosus, Rubus strigosus var. acalyphaceus, Rubus strigosus var. arizonicus, Rubus strigosus var. canadensis
American red raspberry as seen at Trout Farm Campground, Malheur National Forest...........July 17, 2010.
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Additional photos of american red raspberry as seen at Trout Farm Campground, Malheur National Forest...........July 17, 2010.
Close-up views of the flower of red raspberry as seen along the Tucannon River Trail #3135, Umatilla N.F.........June 23, 2007. Note the numerous spreading, gland-tipped hairs on the pedicel and calyx.
These photos show the upper and lower surface of the ternately compound leaves of red raspberry as seen along the Tucannon River Trail #3135, Umatilla N.F.........June 23, 2007.
The arching stems of american red raspberry as seen on Wedge Mountain, Wenatchee National Forest........June 8, 2009. Note the reddish brown stems with numerous straight spines.
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American red raspberry as seen in the campground at Fields Springs State Park, Asotin County, Washington..........June 11, 2013.
American red raspberry as seen along the East Fork Lostine River Trail #1662, Eagle Cap Wilderness.........August 4, 2016.
Paul Slichter