[Potentilla gracilis] -- [Cinquefoils: The Genera Comarum, Dasiphora, Drymocallis and Potentilla East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil

Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri

Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta

Inflorescence of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Close-up of the inflorescence of Elmer's cinquefoil as seen along Bear Creek adjacent to Forest Service Road 1640, Malheur National Forest.........July 1, 2010.

Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Upper leaf surface of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Both surfaces of a leaf let of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Upper leaf surface of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Additional cloe-up photos of Elmer's cinquefoil as seen along Bear Creek adjacent to Forest Service Road 1640, Malheur National Forest..........July 1, 2010.

Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Elmer's cinquefoil blooming along a creek in Summit Prairie, Malheur National Forest.........August 2, 2011 (left) and near the same location on May 28, 2014 (right).

Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

The photo above shows Elmer's cinquefoil on Zumwalt Prairie to the northeast of Enterprise, OR........July 9, 2007. Note the silver-gray coloration of on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces.

 Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Elmer's cinquefoil as seen along Forest Service Road #16 in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest........July 18, 2010. Many of the plants at this location are intermediate in appearance between this variety and var. flabelliformis.

Upper leaf surface of  Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Inflorescence of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta) - Lower leaf surface of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

Additional close-up photos of the upper leaf surface (left), inflorescence (center) and lower leaf surface of elmer's cinquefoil as seen along Forest Service Road #16 in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest..........July 18, 2010.

Ventral leaf surface of Combleaf Cinquefoil, Elmer's Cinquefoil: Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri (Synonym: Potentilla pectinisecta)

The photo above shows the underside of a leaf of Elmer's cinquefoil on Zumwalt Prairie to the northeast of Enterprise, OR..........July 9, 2007.

Paul Slichter