Alpine Lewisia, Alpine Bitter-root, Dwarf Lewisia, Pygmy Lewisia
Lewisia pygmaea
Synonyms: Calandrinia grayi, Calandrinia pygmaea, Lewisia exarticulata, Lewisia glandulosa, Lewisia minima, Lewisia pygmaea var. aridorum, Lewisia pygmaea var. pygmaea, Lewisia pygmaeum, Lewisia pygmaeum var. aridorum, Lewisia sierrae, Oreobroma aridorum, Oreobroma pygmaeum, Talinum pygmaeum

Alpine lewisia as seen from moist, rocky grasslands along the South Loop Road about one mile downhill and west of the East Rim Viewpoint, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon........August 31,
2011. Note the heavily veined sepals with gland-tipped teeth along the margins, a characteristic of this species.

lewisia from an area where the snow lays late into mid summer along the North Loop Road, about one-half mile downhill from the Kiger Gorge Overlook, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon........August 31, 2011. Note the toothed edge to the sepals.

Additional close-up photos of pygmy lewisia as seen in moist low spots along the Roads End Trail #201A, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 13, 2011. Plants at this location have nearly entire margins with only several gland-tipped teeth along the margin, so they could be mistaken for
Nevada lewisia (
Lewisia nevadensis).
The photo at left shows pygmy lewisia growing in a swale along the South Loop Road about 2 miles uphill from the Rooster Comb, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.........July 9, 2014. The photo at right shows pygmy lewisia along the Mother Lode Mine Trail #808A to Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest........June 15, 2015.
Close-ups of the gland-tipped margins of pygmy lewisia as seen along FS Road #2230 about one-third of a mile east of the lookout atop Mount Pisgah, Ochoco National Forest.........June 13, 2015.
Paul Slichter