Rock-jasmines or Mt. Androsaces: The Genus Androsace - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Flowers white and usually less than 5 mm. Leaves basal.
Shooting Stars: The Genus Dodecatheon - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Corolla lobes sharply reflexed backward and greater than twice as long as the tube. Stamens visible their entire length. Leaves basal.
Douglasias: The Genus Douglasia - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Leaves basal.
Loosestrife: The Genus Lysimachia - Flowers yellow with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Leaves mainly on the stem.
Cusick's Primrose, Wallowa Primrose: Primula cusickiana var. cusickiana - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Flowers showy, greater than 7 mm, bluish-violet or puple. Leaves basal.
StarFlowers: The Genus Trientalis - Flowers mostly wtih 6-7 floral parts. Upper stem leaves large and crowded or whorled.