[Wildflowers with 5 Petals East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Primrose Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Dodecatheon pulchellum var. monanthum

Members of the Primrose Family Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington:

Rock-jasmines or Mt. Androsaces: The Genus Androsace - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Flowers white and usually less than 5 mm. Leaves basal.

Shooting Stars: The Genus Dodecatheon - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Corolla lobes sharply reflexed backward and greater than twice as long as the tube. Stamens visible their entire length. Leaves basal.

Douglasias: The Genus Douglasia - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Leaves basal.

Loosestrife: The Genus Lysimachia - Flowers yellow with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Leaves mainly on the stem.

Cusick's Primrose, Wallowa Primrose: Primula cusickiana var. cusickiana - Flowers with 5 floral parts. Flowers with pedicels. Flower lobes not reflexed and less than twice as long as the tube. Flowers showy, greater than 7 mm, bluish-violet or puple. Leaves basal.

StarFlowers: The Genus Trientalis - Flowers mostly wtih 6-7 floral parts. Upper stem leaves large and crowded or whorled.

Paul Slichter E-mail