[The Phlox Family East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

The Genus Navarretia East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Least navarretia ? from Hunter Prairie, northeast of Bear Springs Ranger Station, just east of the Mt. Hood N.F. Boundary & 1/4 mile south of the White River............May 28, 1994.

Yellow-flowered Navarretia, Brewer's Navarretia, Yellow Pincushion-plant: Navarretia breweri: Flowers yellow. Stigmas 3. Bracts pinnately lobed. Plants glandular.

Miniature Gilia, Smooth-leaved Gilia: Navarretia capillaris (Synonym: Gilia capillaris)

Mountain Navarretia, Divaricate Navarretia: Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata - Flowers white to light blue. Stigmas 3. Bracts palmately lobed. Plants glandular in the inflorescence.

Pin Cushion Plant, Needleleaf Navarretia: Navarretia intertexta (ssp. intertexta & ssp. propinqua) - Flowers white to light blue. Leaves and bracts firm and sharp to the touch. Style 2-cleft, the 2 stigmas distinct. Plants not glandular in the inflorescence.

Least Navarretia, Whitehead Navarretia: Navarretia leucocephala ssp. minima - Flowers white to light blue. Leaves and bracts soft to the touch. Style undivided, the stigma barely 2-lobed. Plants not glandular in the inflorescence.

Alva Day's Gilia: Navarretia sinistra ssp. sinistra (Synonyms: Gilia sinistra, Gilia sinistra ssp. sinistra) -

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