[The Genus Navarretia East
of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]
Brewer's Navarretia, Yellow-flowered Navarretia, Yellow Pincushion-plant
Navarretia breweri
Yellow-flowered navarretia as seen fading out of bloom near Road 3521 on slopes above High Creek in the Wenatchee N. F........July 26, 2009. The photo at right shows Brewer's navarretia blooming on vernally moist slopes along the Fremont-Winema National Recreation Trail #160 on the western slopes of Twelvemile Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest........July 16, 2022.
Photo at right of yellow-flowered navarretia as seen from Picture Rock Pass, near Summer Lake, OR....May 25, 1996.
Yellow-flowered navarretia is an annual wildflower to 10 cm
tall. It may be a small single stem to a well-branche plant when fully developed.
The leaves are firm, prickly, pinnatifid, and the individual leaflets are acicular.
The leaves may be as long as 25 mm in length.
The flowers are small, 5-petaled, and bright yellow in color. The
tube ranges in length from 5 to 8 mm, and the lobes are 0.8 to 1.3 mm long.
Yellow-flowered navarretia is found in dry meadows and dry open
places, often in clay soils. It is found from the foothills to moderate elevation
in the mountains.
Yellow-flowered navarretia is found from Douglas County, Washington
south through central Washington and Oregon to California, and eastward to central
Idaho and western Wyoming, and south to Arizona.
Several Brewer's navarretia with two Harkness' flaxflower (Leptosiphon harknessii) as seen in the photo at left on vernally moist soils along the Lookout Mountain Trail #804 atop Lookout Mountain, Ochoco National Forest...........June 25, 2017. The photo at right shows Brewer's navarretia blooming on balds atop Bickleton Ridge in the Bickleton Ridge Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area........June 17, 2017.
Additional close-up photos of Brewer's navarretia as seen along Forest Service Road #16 in Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest.......July 3, 2010.
Brewer's navarretia as seen in vernally moist soils along the Colockum Pass Road, Wenatchee Mountains..........July 7, 2012.
Brewer's navarettia as seen (left) in lithosol soils between big mountain sagebrush along the South Loop Road at the upper end of the Rooster Comb, Steens Mountain.........July 9, 2014. The photo at right shows brewer's navarettia as seen in vernally moist swales at the southeastern corner of Hart Mt. National Wildlife Refuge..........June 10, 2016.
The photo at left shows yellow-flowered navarettia as seen from Jackman
Park C.G., Steens Mt, Harney County....August 4, 1995. The photo at right shows Brewer's navarretia with Polygonum polygaloides on vernally moist scabland soils in the Oak Creek Wildlife Area.......June 8, 2019.
Paul Slichter