[The Pea Family East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Buck-beans, Golden-peas, Goldenbanners and Thermopsis East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Thermopsis

Slender Goldenbanner: Thermopsis rhombifolia var. ovata

Slender Goldenbanner: Thermopsis rhombifolia var. ovata

Slender Thermopsis, Golden Pea: Thermopsis gracilis (Synonyms: Thermopsis gracilis var. gracilis, Thermopsis gracilis var. venosa, Thermopsis macrophylla, Thermopsis macrophylla var. venosa, Thermopsis montana var. venosa, Thermopsis subglabra) - Plants glabrous to subglabrous. Pods erect to spreading. Racemes mostly 5-15 flowered. (Leaflets mostly less than 4 times longer than wide.)

Buck-bean, Golden-pea, Hitchcock's Thermopsis, Mountain Goldenbanner, Mountain Thermopsis: Thermopsis rhombifolia var. montana (Synonyms: Thermopsis gracilis var. montana, Thermopsis montana var. montana) - Plants densely pubescent. Pods erect. Racemes 10-60 flowered. Leaflets narrowly oblanceolate to linear-elliptic , the largest of which are 3-8 cm long and 0.6-1.5 cm wide (Leaflets mostly 4-6 times longer than wide.). From the Aldrich & Strawberry Mts south to SE OR.

Slender Thermopsis, Slender Goldenbanner, Slender Golden-banner, Mountain Thermopsis, Golden Pea: Thermopsis rhombifolia var. ovata (Synonyms: Thermopsis gracilis var. ovata, Thermopsis montana var. ovata, Thermopsis macrophylla, Thermopsis macrophylla var. hitchcockii, Thermopsis montana var. hitchcockii, Thermopsis ovata) - Plants mostly densely pubescent. Pods erect. Racemes mostly 10-60 flowered. Leaflets ovate, obovate or rhombic-obovate in outline, the largest of which are 3-10 cm long and 1.5-3.5 cm wide (Leaflets mostly less than 4 times longer than wide.). Often found west of the Cascades but reported SW of LaGrande, OR and at the NW corner of the Wallowa Mts and in the Blue Mts. of southwestern WA.

Paul Slichter E-mail