[Biscuitroots and Desert Parsleys: The Genus Lomatium East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Lassen Parsley, Raven's Biscuitroot

Lomatium ravenii var. paiutense

Lassen Parsley, Raven's Biscuitroot: Lomatium ravenii var. paiutense

What appears to be Lassen parsley as seen on a gravelly slope someplace on the south Steens Mountain of southeastern Oregon.............May 31, 2012. This is a sensitive species in Oregon.

Developing fruits of Lassen Parsley, Raven's Biscuitroot: Lomatium ravenii var. paiutense

A close-up of the developing fruits of what appears to be Lassen parsley as seen on a gravelly slope someplace on the south Steens Mountain of southeastern Oregon.............May 31, 2012. The flowers are white in color.

A close-up of a basal leaf of Lassen Parsley, Raven's Biscuitroot: Lomatium ravenii var. paiutense.

A close-up of a finely divided basal leaf of what appears to be Lassen parsley as seen on a gravelly slope someplace on the south Steens Mountain of southeastern Oregon.............May 31, 2012.

Paul Slichter