[The Geranium Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Geraniums East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Geranium

Sticky geranium: Geranium viscosissimum

Bicknell's Crane's-bill, Bicknell's Geranium, Northern Crane's-bill: Geranium bicknellii (Synonyms: Geranium bicknellii var. longipes, Geranium nemorale) - Annual. Leaves divided into 3-5 wedge-shaped segmentsSepals tipped with a thin awn from 1-2 mm long. Sepals 4-8 mm long and petals 5-7 mm long. Pedicels 10-30 mm long. Blue & Wallowa Mts.

Carolina Crane's-bill, Carolina Geranium: Geranium carolinianum (Synonyms: Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum, Geranium carolinianum var. confertiflorum, Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum, Geranium sphaerospermum) - Annual. Leaves not dissected, divided instead into oblong to wedge-shaped segments. Sepals tipped with a thin awn from 1-2 mm long. Sepals and petals 4-7 mm long. Pedicels 2-7 mm long. Pedicel hairs stiff, straight or curved downwards. se OR (Malheur & Harney Cos)

Cut-leaf Crane's-bill, Cutleaf Geranium, Cut-leaf Geranium: Geranium dissectum (Synonym: Geranium laxum) - Annual. Leaves deeply dissected into 5-7 linear to oblong segments. Sepals tipped with a thin awn from 1-2 mm long. Sepals and petals 4-7 mm long. Pedicels 6-10 mm long. Pedicel hairs spreading and glandular. Imnaha River.

Dovefoot Geranium: Geranium molle -

Oregon Geranium, Western Geranium: Geranium oreganum (Synonym: Geranium incisum) -

Small Geranium, Small-flower Crane's-bill, Small-flowered Cranesbill: Geranium pusillum - Annual. Leaves divided into 5-9 oblong to wedge-shaped segments. Sepals 3-4 mm long with acute tips. Petals up to 4 mm long.

White Crane's-bill, White Geranium, Richardson's Geranium, Richardson's Crane's-bill: Geranium richardsonii - Native perennial. 5 petals, large white or pale pink, 12-17 mm long. Inner face of petals pilose about 1/2 their length.

Robert Geranium, Stinky Bob, Herb-Robert: Geranium robertianum (Synonym: Geranium robertianum ssp. robertianum) -

Rydberg's Geranium, Sticky Purple Geranium: Geranium viscosissimum var. incisum (Synonyms: Geranium canum, Geranium nervosum, Geranium strigosius, Geranium strigosum, Geranium viscosissimum ssp. nervosum, Geranium viscosissimum var. nervosum) -Lower petioles and stem glabrous, strigillose, appressed- to spreading puberulent, or hirsute, but not glandular.

Sticky Geranium, Sticky Purple Geranium: Geranium viscosissimum var. viscosissimum (Synonym: Geranium attenuilobum) - Native perennial. 5 large petals, pink to purplish, 14-24 mm long. Inner face of petals pilose no more than 1/3 their length. Leaves large, palmate, and deeply parted to almost compound. Herbage glandular and sticky. Plants to two feet tall. Lower petioles and stem hirsute and also glandular-puberulent, rather evenly glandular-villous above.

Paul Slichter E-mail