Carolina Crane's-bill, Carolina Geranium
Geranium carolinianum
Synonyms: Geranium carolinianum var. carolinianum, Geranium carolinianum var. confertiflorum, Geranium carolinianum var. sphaerospermum, Geranium sphaerospermum
Carolina geraniums beginning to bloom in a vernally moist drainage along the Stubblefield Trail about a mile northwest of Stubblefield Lake, Turnbull Lake National Wildlife Refuge......July 4, 2018.
The weedy Carolina geranium growing in a riparian area along the Grande Ronde River in southern Asotin County, WA.........May 24, 2010. Note the petals which are about the length of the sepals and thus don't spread much. The leaf blades are round or heart-shaped in outline and divided into 5-7 braod, deeply lobed segments.
Paul Slichter