Stiff Yellow Indian Paintbrush, Yellow Paintbrush
Castilleja lutescens

A close-up of the calyx and corolla of what may be stiff yellow indian paintbrush as seen high along the Valley Trail at the Little Spokane River Natural Area, Spokane County, WA........July 5, 2011. This plant appears to be associated with grasses on the steep, dry hillside.

Additional close-ups of what may be stiff yellow indian paintbrush as seen high along the Knothead Valley Trail at the Little Spokane River Natural Area, Spokane County, WA........July 5, 2011.
What appears to be stiff yellow indian paintbrush as seen on open slopes near the summit of Kamiak Butte, Kamiak Butte County Park, Whitman County, Washington.......June 10, 2013.
Stiff yellow paintbrush as seen blooming near the top of the ridge along the Knothead Valley Trail in the Little Spokane River Natural Area........May 9, 2016.
Paul Slichter