[Paintbrushes: The Genus Castilleja East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Hairy Paintbrush, Parrothead Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja pilosa var. pilosa
Synonyms: Castilleja longispica ?, Castilleja pilosa ssp. jusselii, Castileja psittacina, Castilleja rubida var. monoensis, Orthocarpus pilosus

Hairy paintbrush as seen along FS Road #3142 in southern Thompson Valley, Fremont National Forest.........May 19, 2016.
Hairy paintbrush is a perennial wildflower of arid areas east of the Cascades.
The clusters of erect stems ascend from 10-35 cm high from spreading bases.
The herbage ranges from coarse, straight hairs to woolly, spreading or retrorse,
nonglandular hairs. The narrowly linear leaves are 3-5.5 cm long. The lower
leaves have entire margins while the upper leaves have 1-2 pairs of linear or
thin lateral lobes.
The yellowish-green, pale green or purplish inflorescence is nonglandular.
The calyx is 10-18 mm long with the 4 linear to lanceolate segments roughly
equally divided, each measuring 4-7 mm long. The corolla is 15-20 mm long. The
lower lip is well-developed into 3 sac-like lobes 2.5-5 mm long and is almost
as long as the galea, which ranges from 3-5 mm long.
var. longispica- Calyx 9-15 mm long. Herbage of curved, spreading
or retorse hairs. Found from central Idaho east to northwestern Wyoming and
southwestern Montana.
var. pilosa- Calyx 14-28 mm long. Hairs fine, more or less curly.
Found below 2000 meters from southeastern Oregon northwestern Nevada and northeastern
California. In Oregon, this variety may be found in Crook, Wheeler, Grant, Klamath,
Lake, and northern Harney and Malheur Counties.
var. steenensis- Calyx 14-28 mm long. Hairs coarse, reflexed
to spreading. Found above 2000 meters on Steens Mt.
Hairy paintbrush may be found in dry soils amongst sagebrush and juniper in
the plains to well up into the mountains.

The photo above is a close-up
of the calyx and corolla of hairy paintbrush. Note the deep medial cleft in
the lower surface of the calyx, and the deep lateral cleft. The lower lip is
pouched while the galea is short. Photographed at a pass on Oregon Highway 78
at the Harney/ Malheur County line.......May 29, 2000.
Hairy paintbrush may be found from southeastern Oregon and northeastern California
and northwestern Nevada east across central Idaho to southwestern Montana and
northwestern Wyoming.

Hairy paintbrush in bloom along Forest Road 3915 in the Bald Hills, Fremont-Winema National Forest.....July 18, 2022.
Hairy paintbrush as seen amongst Artemisia arbuscula along Forest Service Road #1647 in southeastern Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest........July 18, 2010. Note that the calyx lobes in the upper pair of photos are subequal.
Hairy paintbrush observed along the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 on the western slopes of Twelvemile Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest.....July 16, 2022.
What appears to be hairy paintbrush as seen along FS Road #3142 in southern Thompson Valley, Fremont National Forest.........May 19, 2016.

Hairy paintbrush as seen at about 7450' in rock gardens along the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 on the southeastern slopes of Crook Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest......June 28, 2019. Note that the calyx lobes in the second pair of photos are subequal (indicated by red dots).

Hairy paintbrush in bloom along Forest Road 3915 in the Bald Hills, Fremont-Winema National Forest.....June 30, 2019.

Hairy paintbrush observed on scablands near rock outcrops on the west side of Light Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest.......June 29, 2019.
Hairy paintbrush in bloom along the Hanan Trail #142 about one and one-half miles upstream along the upper Sycan River from Forest Road #28, Fremont-Winema National Forest.......June 17, 2020.

Castilleja pilosa var. pilosa??
from Picture Rock Pass near Summer Lake, OR......late June, 1995.

The photo above shows from left to right the calyx and corolla,
bract, and leaf of Hairy Paintbrush, photographed near milepost 3.0 on the north
loop road at the Steens Mt., southeastern Oregon.........May 27, 2000.
Paul Slichter