Flat-top Broomrape, Flat-topped Broomrape
Orobanche corymbosa ssp. corymbosa
Synonyms: Myzorrhiza corymbosa, Orobanche californica var. corymbosa
Flat-topped broomrape as seen on dry slopes of Arizona Creek about one-third of a mile downstream of where the road crosses the creek in the Pueblo Mountains of southeastern Oregon...........June 1, 2012.
Additional images of flat-topped broomrape as seen on dry slopes of Arizona Creek about one-third of a mile downstream of where the road crosses the creek in the Pueblo Mountains of southeastern Oregon...........June 1, 2012. Note the thick base of the plant, numerous tightly clustered flowers (typically more than 20), the flat top to the inflorescence and the long, short pedicels (so this can't be O. fasciculata) slender calyx lobes. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a good frontal view of a flower during this visit.
Flat-topped broomrape observed along the Fremont National Recreation Trail on the southwestern slopes of Twelvemile Peak about one-half mile uphill from the South Fork Crooked Creek Trailhead, Fremont-Winema National Forest........August 2, 2020.
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Flat-topped broomrape fading out of bloom along FS Road 3915 in the Bald Hills of the Mt. Bidwell Recreation Area, Fremont-Winema National Forest.......July 31, 2020.
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Flat-topped broomrape observed along the access road to Spanish Peak, Ochoco National Forest......September 24, 2023.
Paul Slichter