[Wildflowers with 5 Petals East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Borage Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Diffuse Stickseed: Hackelia diffusa var. diffusa

Diffuse Stickseed: Hackelia diffusa var. diffusa
Members of the Borage Family Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington:

The Fiddlenecks: The Genus Amsinckia

Bugloss: The Genus Anchusa

The Catchweed: The Genus Asperugo

Coldenia: The Genus Coldenia

The Cryptanths: The Genus Cryptantha

Hound's Tongue: The Genus Cynoglossum

Blueweed, Common Viper's-bugloss, Viper's Bugloss: Echium vulgare

Alpine Forget-me-not: The Genus Eritrichium

The Forget-me-nots, Stickseeds, or Tickweeds: The Genus Hackelia

Heliotrope: The Genus Heliotropium

Stickseed: The Genus Lappula

The Stoneseed: The Genus Lithospermum

Bluebells & Lungwort: The Genus Mertensia

The Forget-me-nots: The Genus Myosotis

Fiddleleafs and Namas: The Genus Nama

The Combseeds: The Genus Pectocarya

Popcorn-flowers: The Genus Plagiobothrys

Tiquilia: The Genus Tiquilia

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