[Bittercress, Springbeauties and Toothworts: The Genus Cardamine East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Brewer's Bittercress, Coast Bittercress

Cardamine breweri

Synonyms: Cardamine breweri var. breweri, Cardamine breweri var. orbiculata

Coast Bittercress, Brewer's Bittercress: Cardamine breweri (Synonyms: Cardamine breweri var. breweri, Cardamine breweri var. orbiculata)

Brewer's bittercress as seen in a small stream along Forest Road #3615 in the North Warner Mountains, Fremont National Forest..........June 12, 2016.


Brewer's bittercress is a perennial wildflower of wet places. It is erect to spreading or even prostrate in habit with slender rhizomes up to 2 mm thick which root freely. The glabrous to sparsely haired flowering stems are 10-60 cm long. The simple leaves are basal with an orbicular to kidney shape. They measure 1-3 cm long with heart-shaped bases and shallow lobed margins. The stem leaves are 3-5 foliate with the terminal leaflet the largest. The lobes of the stem leaves are lanceolate to ovate in shape. The surfaces of all the leaves are glabrous to sparsely haired.

The inflorescence is a few-flowered raceme of white flowers. The pedicels are 5-20 mm long and the sepals measure 1.5-2.5 mm long. The petals are spatulate-obovate in shape and measure 3-7 mm long. The fruits are siliques from 2-3 cm long and held erect on the spreading pedicels. Individual siliques measure 2-3 cm long and 1-1.5 mm wide and are linear in shape.


Brewer's bittercress is a plant of wet places including seeps and streams.


Brewer's bittercress may be found from Alaska south through British Columbia to the Pacific Northwest and hence across much of the western United States. Variety orbiculatus may be found east of the Cascade Mts. from central Washington south to central Oregon and east to Nevada and Wyoming.

Coast Bittercress, Brewer's Bittercress: Cardamine breweri (Synonyms: Cardamine breweri var. breweri, Cardamine breweri var. orbiculata) - Coast Bittercress, Brewer's Bittercress: Cardamine breweri (Synonyms: Cardamine breweri var. breweri, Cardamine breweri var. orbiculata) - Coast Bittercress, Brewer's Bittercress: Cardamine breweri (Synonyms: Cardamine breweri var. breweri, Cardamine breweri var. orbiculata)

Brewer's bittercress as seen in a small stream along Forest Road #3615 in the North Warner Mountains, Fremont National Forest..........June 12, 2016.

Paul Slichter