Intermountain Bedstraw, Serpentine Bedstraw
Galium serpenticum
Synonyms: Galium bloomeri, Galium serpenticum ssp. dayense, Galium serpenticum ssp. malheurense, Galium serpenticum ssp. okanoganense, Galium serpenticum ssp. puberulum, Galium serpenticum ssp. scabridum, Galium serpenticum ssp. warnerense, Galium serpenticum ssp. serpenticum, Galium serpenticum ssp. wenatchicum
A close-up view of intermountain bedstraw with its bristly fruits as seen at old Blewett Pass, Wenatchee N.F.......July 26, 2009 (right).
A close-up view of intermountain bedstraw as seen in bloom at old Blewett Pass, Wenatchee N.F.......June 8, 2009.
Two additional close-up views of intermountain bedstraw as seen at old Blewett Pass, Wenatchee N.F.......June 8, 2009 (left) and July 26, 2009 (right).
Iintermountain bedstraw as seen on a rocky bald at about 7450' along the Fremont National Recreation Trail #160 on the southeastern slopes of Crook Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest........June 28, 2019. Although the photo is not of great quality, one can note that the leaves at each whorl are of roughly equal size and shape.
Paul Slichter