American Coot : This one is not a true duck, but beginners might confuse it as one so I've included it here.
Dabbling Ducks:
American Wigeon: Anas americana
Blue-winged Teal: Anas discors
Cinnamon Teal: Anas cyanoptera
European Widgeon: Anas penelope
Gadwall: Anas strepera
Green-winged Teal: Anas crecca
Mallard Duck: Ansa platyrhynchos
Northern Pintail: Anas acuta
Northern Shoveler: Anas clypeata
Wood Duck: Aix sponsa
Diving Ducks:
Barrows Goldeneye: Bucephala islandica
Bufflehead: Bucephala albeola
Canvasback: Aythya valisineria
Common Goldeneye: Bucephala clangula
Common Merganser: Mergus merganser
Greater Scaup: Athya marila
Hooded Merganser: Lophodytes cucullatus
Harlequin Duck: Histrionicus histrionicus
Lesser Scaup: Aythya affinis
Long-tailed Duck: Clangula hyemalis
Red-breasted Merganser: Megus serrator
Redhead: Aythya americana
Ring-necked Duck: Athya collaris
Ruddy Duck: Oxyura jamaicensis
Black Scoter: Melanitta nigra
Surf Scoter: Melanitta perspicillata
White-winged Scoter: Melanitta fusca
Aleutan Cackling Goose: Branta hutchinsii leucopareia
Barnacle Goose: Branta leucopsis - A rare bird in the Pacific Northwest.
Brant: Branta bernicla
Cackling Goose: Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii
Canada Geese: Branta canadensis
Dusky Canada Goose: Branta canadensis occidentalis
Emperor Goose: Chen canagica - A rare bird in the Pacific Northwest.
Greater White-fronted Goose: Anser albifrons
Ross's Goose: Chen rossii
Snow Goose: Chen caerulescens
Trumpeter Swan: Cygnus buccinator
Tundra Swan: Cygnus columbianus
Harlequin Ducks on the Oregon Coast......March 1977.