[Members of the Sunflower Family with Dandylion-like Flower Heads in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Wire-lettuce of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

The Genus Stephanomeria

Narrow-leaved Stephanomeria, Narrow-leaved Wire-lettuce, Wire-lettuce: Stephanomeria tenuifolia

Narrow-leaved Wire-lettuce: Stephanomeria tenuifolia

Thorn Skeletonweed, Thorny Skeleton Plant: Pleiacanthus spinosus (Synonym: Stephanomeria spinosa)

Milk Aster, White Plume Wirelettuce: Stephanomeria exigua ssp. coronaria

Dean's Stephanomeria, Deane's Wirelettuce: Stephanomeria exigua ssp. deanei

Mitra, Slender Stephanomeria, Small Wirelettuce: Stephanomeria exigua ssp. exigua

Parry Rock Pink, Parry's Stephanomeria, Parry's Wirelettuce: Stephanomeria parryi

Brownplume Wirelettuce, Desert Straw, Wire Lettuce: Stephanomeria pauciflora (Synonyms: Stephanomeria pauciflora var. parishii, Stephanomeria pauciflora var. pauciflora)

Narrow-leaved Stephanomeria, Narrow-leaved Wire-lettuce, Wire-lettuce: Stephanomeria tenuifolia

Paul Slichter E-mail