[The Sunflower Family in the Southwestern Deserts of the United States]

The Sunflower Family in the Southwestern Deserts of the United States

Dandylion-like Flower Heads

(Flower heads entirely with ray flowers. No disk flowers are present.)

Desert Dandelion, Smooth Desertdandelion: Malacothrix glabrata (Synonym: Malacothrix californica var. glabrata)

Desert Dandelion, Smooth Desertdandelion: Malacothrix glabrata

Desertdandelions: The Genus Malacothrix

Desert Chicory and Plumseeds: The Genus Rafinesquia

Sow Thistles: The Genus Sonchus

Wire-lettuce: The Genus Stephanomeria

Silverpuffs, Uropappus: Uropappus lindleyi (Synonyms: Microseris lindleyi; Microseris linearifolia)

Paul Slichter E-mail