[Members of the Sunflower Family with Daisy-like Flower Heads in the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest]

Thimbleheads of the Mountains and Deserts of the American Southwest

The Genus Hymenothrix

TransPecos Thimblehead, Trans-Pecos Thimblehead: Hymenothrix wislizeni (Synonym: Hymenothrix wislizenii)

TransPecos Thimblehead: Hymenothrix wizlizeni

Ragged-leaf Bahia: Hymenothrix dissecta (Synonyms: Amauria dissecta; Amauriopsis dissecta; Bahia dissecta) - 10-21 ray flowers present. Corollas yellow.

Loomis' Thimblehead: Hymenothrix loomisii - No ray flowers. Corollas creamy to bright yellow.

TransPecos Thimblehead, Trans-Pecos Thimblehead: Hymenothrix wislizeni (Synonym: Hymenothrix wislizenii) - 3 to 8 ray flowers present. Corollas bright yellow to creamy.

Wright's Thimblehead: Hymenothrix wrightii - No ray flowers. Corollas white to pinkish or purplish.

Paul Slichter E-mail