Goldeneyes and Viguieras: The Genus Bahiopsis
Desert Marigolds: The Genus Baileya
Brittlebush, Goldenhills, Incienso: Encelia farinosa (Synonyms: Encelia farinosa var. farinosa, Encelia farinosa var. phenicodonta, Encelia farinosa var. radians)
Woolly Daisies, Woolly Sunflowers: The Genus Eriophyllum
Desert Sunflowers: The Genus Geraea
Tickseeds: The Genus Coreopsis
Sunflowers: The Genus Helianthus
Thimbleheads: The Genus Hymenothrix
Goldfields: The Genus Lasthenia
Blackfoots: The Genus Melampodium
Desert Stars: The Genus Monoptilon
Rock Daisies: The Genus Perityle
Butterweeds, Groundsels and Ragworts: The Genera Packera and Senecio
Goldenrods: The Genus Solidago
Four-nerve Daisies: The Genus Tetraneuris
Pricklyleafs: The Genus Thymophylla
Woodyasters: The Genus Xylorhiza