[SWRP Hogan Creek Menu]

Hogan Creek

Butler Road Site (HOG 003)

This is a view along Butler Road looking west. Persimmon Golf Course is on the left. The Hogan Creek site (HOG003) is on the right (downstream side of the road). Photo taken October 14, 2000.

This site is located on the downstream side of Hogan Creek where it crosses under Butler Road. The Persimmon Golf Course is immediately upstream from the site. The site is approximately 1 mile downstream of the headwaters of Hogan Creek. The golf course is largely open. The site itself parallels Butler Rd for a few hundred feet, so contains perhaps 50 feet of forest buffer on both sides of the stream. Fields are visible downstream of the site, but their impact on the stream are unknown at this time.

View downslope from Butler Road towards the study site(HOG003) along Hogan Creek. Yes, there's a creek down there, and a navigable trail into the site...........October 14, 2000.

The lower end of the culvert beneath Butler Road through which Hogan Creek runs during its journey from Persimmon to the study site........Oct. 14, 2000.

An aerial view down onto the lower end of the culvert with water flowing into the plunge pool.........October 14, 2000.

Lower end of the plunge pool viewed upstream towards the culvert (just out of view to the left.......October 14, 2000.

One of the large Alaska red cedar trees along the stream........October 14, 2000.

View looking up through the canopy of red alder at the Alaska red cedar viewed above......October 14, 2000.

Paul Slichter