[Vitamin C Links]

Information you can Research about Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Research these questions. You may not find the answers to all of them. Write this information in paragraph form. Don't make it sound like you are answering questions!

1. Why is vitamin C needed in the body?

2. What elements does vitamin C contain?

3. What is the chemical formula of Vitamin C? -optional

4. How much vitamin C is needed in our diet each day?

5. What roles does vitamin C play in the blood and immune systems?

6. Are there any harmful affects of taking too much vitamin C? What are they?

7. What diseases occur if we don't get enough vitamin C?

8. What are the symptoms of these deficiency diseases?

9. List the best sources of vitamin C.

10. Why is vitamin C added to our food?

11. Add any other information you think is interesting and would help us learn more about vitamin C.


** When you have decided on what drinks you are going to test, do additional research on each drink, or at least about their flavor or fruit they are made of to see how much Vitamin C is in the drink. This will be useful information to back up your hypothesis!

a. Some websites list the names of fruits, berries & veggies that contain Vitamin C, and how much.

b. Look on the ingredient lists or labels of the drinks you have selected for additional info.
