Bioremediating Soil Piles As High As Six Feet: The "Staged Pile" Technique

Oettco Products Corp., 3296 Montara Drive, Bonita Springs, FL 33923, USA 941-498-0771

Simple land farming techniques and materials can be used to treat soil piles as high as six feet if special aeration measures are taken.

This is particularly useful in situations where insufficient flat ground space is available to spread out soil in a low 18" pile.

Here's how the staged pile technique works for 500 cubic yards of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil:

The 500 cubic yard soil pile will have a base that measures 30 feet by 30 feet. A layer of 1/2-inch PVC pipe with 1/8-inch perforations is laid out on the bottom of the pile. The PVC pipes should run the entire length of the pile and be placed on three foot centers.

The soil should be layered in 12-inch high lifts, each thoroughly inoculated with the bioremediation solution as it is laid down.

When the height of the pile reaches three feet, a second layer of perforated PVC pipes should be laid down on three foot centers.

Additional 12-inch lifts of soil can be added until a total pile height of six feet is reached.

All aeration pipes should be supplied with air by a 1.5- to 2-horse power rotary vane blower.

30 days after the pile's initial inoculation with the microbe, nutrients, bilogical catalyst and water solution, it should be inoculated again with an equal amount of solution comprises of nutrients, biological catalyst and water. All solution should be sprayed around its exterior, with emphasis on higher levels to ensure that the liquid will seep down through the entire pile.

60 days after the pile's initial inoculation, a final application of nutrients, biological catalyst and water should be applied.

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