=======================Electronic Edition======================== RACHEL'S
HAZARDOUS WASTE NEWS #341 --- June 10, 1993 --- News and resources for environmental
justice. ------ Environmental Research Foundation P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis,
MD 21403 Fax (410) 263-8944; Internet: erf@igc.apc.org =================================================================
EPA's reform of incineration rules, announced on the front page of the NEW
YORK TIMES May 18, may have even less substance than we first reported (RHWN
#338). EPA's May 18th announcement contained several features, but for incinerator
fighters the two main ones are: First, a moratorium on new hazardous waste incinerators;
Second, a promise of new scrutiny for existing machines that began the permitting
process as early as 1984 but have never received a full operating permit. Clarification
of the Announced Moratorium We reported May 20 that EPA's "moratorium" on new
hazardous waste incinerators does not affect new incinerators that may be proposed
in 46 states. These 46 have been authorized by EPA to operate the RCRA [Resource
Recovery and Conservation Act] programs which issue licenses (called permits)
to incinerators and other waste disposal facilities. RCRA-authorized states
are free to continue issuing licenses to new hazardous waste incinerators, if
they choose to. It is true that EPA does retain ultimate authority over every
RCRA facility, including all incinerators. The RCRA regulations say very clearly
that the EPA administrator can deny, amend, or cancel any RCRA permit at any
time to protect public health and safety.[1] However, based on recent history,
it seems unlikely that EPA chief Carol Browner would exercise this authority
to prevent the operation of a new hazardous waste incinerator after a state
has allowed such a machine to be built. Ms. Browner was specifically asked to
exercise such authority in at least one case (the WTI incinerator in East Liverpool,
Ohio), and she has refused.
In the case of WTI, there were several compelling reasons that EPA could
have used to deny WTI a permit for commercial operation. The East Liverpool
incinerator failed two parts of its test burn--it failed to destroy carbon tetrachloride
(a known human carcinogen) with the required 99.99 percent efficiency, and it
emitted more than three times as much mercury as is allowable into the local
community during the test burn. Despite these documented failures, EPA has allowed
WTI to begin commercial operation. Dioxin emissions from WTI provide another
reasonable basis upon which WTI's permit could be denied or revoked. The dioxin
danger from WTI was scrutinized in a federal court in Ohio during February,
1993. Federal judge Ann Aldrich concluded, in her written opinion March 5, 1993,
that "...[T]his Court finds it clear that the operation of the WTI facility
during the post trial burn period clearly may cause imminent and substantial
endangerment to health and the environment. It is patently unsafe to subject
the population exposed to the facility's emissions to the risks involved in
incineration while the US EPA determines what the risk is and what risk is acceptable."
Despite Judge Aldrich's conclusion that commercial operation of WTI is "patently
unsafe," EPA refuses to restrict WTI's operations. Why? Vice-President Al Gore
explained to a town meeting in Omaha, Nebraska March 10th that there were two
reasons: because the Bush administration had tied the Clinton administration's
hands by issuing WTI's first permit, and because WTI had "invested tens of millions
of dollars."[2] The part about the Clinton administration's hands being tied
was simply not true, as a matter of law. The part about WTI having gained the
right to operate a dangerous machine because they had invested a lot of money
building it was surprising not for its logic but for its candor.
Since EPA's May 18th "moratorium" on incinerators will allow states to issue
permits to build new incinerators, heavy investments in new incinerators will
likely force EPA to rubber stamp commercial operating licenses, just as happened
at WTI. Stricter Control of BIFs--But When? EPA's May 18th announcement covered
184 hazardous waste incinerators. Even more importantly, the announcement also
affected 171 so-called BIFs (boilers and industrial furnaces), including 34
cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as fuel for making cement. Together,
these incinerators and BIFs burn 5 million tons of hazardous waste each year.
The main question is whether BIFs (boilers and industrial furnaces, including
cement kilns) will be brought under stricter controls soon. Of the 171 BIFs
operating today, none has a final RCRA permit; all are operating under "interim
status." In announcing the imposition of new, stricter controls on existing
BIFs, EPA chief Carol Browner said the new BIF standards were needed to "immediately
strengthen the environmental safeguards" of these facilities. However, the DAILY
ENVIRONMENT REPORT [DER], a Washington insider's newsletter, on May 20 published
interviews with EPA officials putting the agency's new incineration policy into
perspective:[3] ** State officials, and EPA regional offices, have been given
up to 3 years to develop a process that would bring BIFs under new, stricter
controls. Agency officials told DER that new, stricter incinerator rules will
be proposed in 18 months to 2 years. After regulations are proposed, they will
be subject to comment and public hearing, further study and revision by EPA,
and eventually final issuance. ** States and EPA regional offices will have
12 months before they must begin to review interim permits for 34 cement kilns
that now burn hazardous waste on a commercial basis. ** Fred Chanania, an EPA
official in Washington, told DER that EPA would "not by any stretch of the imagination"
be ready to issue final BIF permits in the next 18 months.
In sum, President Clinton's first term may well have ended before today's
BIFs are brought under stricter control. And stricter control is clearly needed
now. An official EPA summary of a meeting held December 7, 1992, between four
EPA officials and 19 BIF operators says, "We are finding violations of basic,
long-standing, fundamental requirements of the RCRA program. Many of the requirements
we are discussing have been in place for 12 years...."[4] The summary goes on
to describe the following kinds of violations by BIFs: Sixty-two percent of
BIFs have violated feed-rate regulations (measuring, controlling and documenting
the rate at which hazardous wastes are fed into BIFs). Fifty-six percent of
BIFs have violated the requirements for analyzing wastes (to find out what is
in them before they are fed into the furnace). The summary provides evidence
of many other violations of law and regulations by BIFs. The BIF record of compliance,
as revealed in this document, is nothing short of scandalous. Furthermore, there
is growing evidence that operation of incinerators and BIFs is taking a toll
on human health.
Last month in Atlanta, Georgia, at the International Congress on the Health
Effects of Hazardous Waste, five separate studies linked various illnesses to
exposure to hazardous waste incinerators:[5] No. 1: Charles E. Feigley at University
of South Carolina in Columbia interviewed a randon sample of 894 residents,
508 of whom lived downwind of a commercial hazardous waste incinerator, and
386 of whom lived upwind. Downwind residents reported a 50 to 100 percent greater
prevalence of coughing, phlegm, wheezing, sore throat and eye irritation, compared
to upwinders. Even after adjusting for age, and exposures to tobacco smoke,
mold, and pets, downwinders were 20 to 90 percent more likely than upwinders
to have been diagnosed with emphysema, pneumonia, sinus trouble, asthma, or
allergies. No. 2: Using Feigley's questionnaire, Dietrich Rothenbacher at University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill polled some 400 households in two communities
near a hazardous waste incinerator--one upwind, the other downwind. Downwinders
reported more diagnoses of emphysema, sinus trouble, and sleep-rousing or morning
coughs. No. 3: Michael Straight and his co-workers at the federal Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in Atlanta compared 713 people
living within 1.5 miles of a hazardous waste incinerator to 588 people about
8 miles from the plant. The closer community reported almost nine times more
coughing and wheezing, 2.4 times as much neurologic disease (such as seizures
and tremors), and 40 percent more neurologic symptoms (including tingling, blackouts,
and incoordination). No. 4: Melody M. Kawamoto of the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in Cincinnati followed up documented
reports of headaches, hot flashes, irritability, memory problems, tremors, and
erratic blood pressure changes in workers from a then-closed hazardous waste
incinerator. All 14 symptomatic former employees suffered headaches, dizziness,
and memory problems. No. 5: A team of researchers led by Woodall Stopford of
Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., examined 29 men, ages 23 to
50, who complained of chronic nausea, headache, dizziness, and feelings of intoxication.
All the men had worked at hazardous-waste incinerators. Eight of the 15 men
with joint pain had arthritis of unknown cause; more than half the men had middle-ear
disease causing vertigo [a sensation as if the external world were revolving
about the individual] or gait problems; roughly half had memory problems; and
22 exhibited sweating or wide fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure. Sleep
disorders, severe depression, and recurring suicidal thoughts plagued 27 of
the 29 men. "And all [27] had difficulty controlling impulses--rage reactions--either
verbally or physically," Stopford said. Sixteen of the men said they had "homicidal
--Peter Montague, Ph.D. =============== [1] EPA's licensing authority under
RCRA has been summarized in a 5-page letter from Lynn E. Moorer to Vice-President
Albert Gore, dated March 15, 1993. [2] Gore quoted in a transcript of a March
10th meeting, attached to Moorer's letter, cited above. [3] Jeff Johnson, "States,
EPA Regions Given Three Years to Start Applying New Standards for BIFs," DAILY
ENVIRONMENT REPORT May 20, 1993, pgs. AA-1, AA-2. [4] Thanks to EPA's Hugh Kaufman,
who provided a copy of the Dec. 7 meeting summary and a memo Kaufman himself
wrote to Carol Browner May 7, 1993, about the summary. [5] All five studies
were described briefly in "Hazardous incinerators?" SCIENCE NEWS Vol. 143 (May
22, 1993), pg. 334. Descriptor terms: incineration; hazardous waste incinerators;
epa; us environmentap protection agency; carol browner; interim status; rcra;
bifs; bif rule; waste technologies, inc.; wti; east liverpool, oh; carbon tetrachloride;
mercury; dioxin; ann aldrich; al gore; cement kilns; international conference
on the health effects of hazardous waste; morbidity data; mortality data; statistics;
studies; .