[Week #1 Wildflowers]

#1. Sweet Colt's Foot

Scientific Name:

Petasites frigidus (34K)

Family Name:

Sunflower Family


Moist, boggy areas in forest clearings. They are often seen in ditches & roadsides in forest areas.


1. Large, simple, palmate leaf (up to 1 ft side).

2. Leaf has 7-9 toothed points or lobes.

3. Leaves woolly-white below.

4. Small, purplish-white flowers.

5. Entire plant is 1' to 2' tall.

Uses or Importances:

1. Powerful cough medicine from juices.

2. Teas from leaves used to stop lung spasms.

3. Juices used on swelling, bug bites, sores & arthritis.

4. Stems make a tasty spring veggie.


Paul Slichter