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#2. Killdeer

Group name:

Aves=Birds (Plover Family)


Killdeer are frequently seen along beaches and other flat areas near rivers, lakes, or the coast. They are also seen in open areas such as fields, waste areas, and lawns.


1. The male and female killdeer look identical.

2. Killdeer have a white belly and breast, with two black stripes on the breast below the neck.

3. The back and top of wings is brown or a gray brown color.

4. The undersides of the wings and tail are a orange color.

5. The head has a brown cap, with a white stripe below, and a black stripe through the eye.

6. While nesting or caring for the young, the parents will fake a broken wing to lure potential predators away from the nest.

7. The cry of the killdeer is a shrill "kill-deer", "kill-deer".

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