[CIM Reviews]

8. In humans, "normal" people have 2 normal genes (AA). Those people who are born with full blown sickle cell anemia, where the blood cells change shape and often cause fatal blood clots, have 2 sickle cell genes (SS). People who are heterozygous, have both a normal and sickle cell gene (AS) and are only affected by the sickle cell gene at very high altitudes or under extreme exercise.

In countries which have a high incidence of malaria, which group of people would have a greater chance to survive an outbreak of malaria and thus have a greater chance to pass their genes on to their offspring?

b) the heterozygous carriers of sickle cell anemia (AS) survive better because the malaria beastie doesn't survive as easily in the sickled cells. The normal people easily get malaria and have a greater chance of dieing. Those with full blown sickle cell anemia as usual, also have a greater chance of dieing before reproducing.

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