[Plant Science Notes]

Water Potential


Water potential is the potential energy of water molecules. Regardless of the reason (e.g., gravity, pressure, or concentration of solute particles) for the water potential, water moves from a region where water potential is greater to a region where water potential is lower. The greater the difference between the water potentials of the two areas, the greater the pressure on the water to move.

Water always flows via diffusion from areas of high water concentration to lower water concentration. The lower water concentration in plants results from the removal of water for use in photosynthesis at the leaf, storage in special water storing cells, or loss of water through the stomata as a result of transpiration. In addition, the addition of solute molecules (like sucrose) drastically reduces the water concentration in such regions. Water molecules thus move from high potential (high concentration) to lower potential (low concentration).



[Plant Science Notes]

Long & Slichter