[Writing an Inquiry: Data Collection]

Using Diagrams to Display Data

The following are general rules that should be applied to all diagrams:

a) Do not use diagrams that have no direct relationship to your investigation.

b) Do not throw a bunch of diagrams in an inquiry without use of titles and labels, and more importantly, without describing them in your written message.

c) All diagrams need a title, and where appropriate, any labels.

d) All diagrams should be placed close to where they are described in the text.

e) Diagrams can be neatly hand drawn in dark pencil or ink and should be large enough to be easily interpreted, or they can be designed using a draw or paint program.

Example #1:

The diagram above helps the reader understand what an epithelial cell observed during a cell lab using a microscope might look like. Cell organelles that have been observed are clearly labeled and a short description is provided.

Example #2:

