[First Semster Reviews]

Review of Proteins & Enzymes


Proteins and Enzyme Reactions : Online Reviews at GHS


Aminio Acid Structure (The R- Group is shown in dark letters atop the amino acid, not below as shown in class.) (BBC Education)

Peptide Bonds & Formation of Dipeptides & Polypeptides (BBC Education)

Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis (RM Chute) (See examples concerning proteins & carbos at bottom of that page too!)

Protein Folding and Overall Structure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary) (BBC Education)

Protein (and Enzyme) Denaturation (BBC Education)


Enzyme Activity

Affects of Temperature & Substrate Concentration on Reaction Rate (BBC Education)

Competitive Enzyme Inhibition (BBC Education)

Noncompetitive Enzyme Inhibition (BBC Education)

Noncompetitive Enzyme Inhibition (Allosteric Enzymes)

Biochemical Pathways (Several different enzymes in close proximity that help change a substrate via several steps into its product)
