[GHS IB Biology: Chemistry Unit]

Reviews of Biochemistry

Chem Vocab/ Study List: Terms and concepts to know for the chemistry exam. May be printed or copied and pasted for your own use.

IB Objectives for Chemistry: Sample of possible short answer questions for the exam from what we have covered so far.

Jeopardy Review Game

Review Game for Unit Exam #2

Possible Short Answer Exam Questions: (Try to practice these in advance of the exam to help prepare yourself!)

GHS Onsite Reviews:

Review of Basic Chemistry

Review of Water Properties

First Review of Organic Molecules: Monomers, Polymers, Condensation & Hydrolysis Reactions

First Review of Carbohydrates

First Review of Lipids

First Review of Proteins

First Review of Enzymes

Review of Enzyme Reactions

Review of experiment variables & controls.

More Complex Reviews:

Organic Molecules #1 :

Chemistry Review :

Proteins and Enzyme Reactions :

Proteins and Enzyme Reactions: New!


Animations To View Off the GHS Site:

Amino Acids, Proteins, Dehydration Synthesis & Protein Shapes

Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis (RM Chute) (See examples concerning proteins & carbos at bottom of that page too!)

Denaturation of a Protein (Cooking an Egg)


Enzymes & Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

Enzymes (Prentice Hall) - Comprehensive review of enzymes. Click on Web Tutorial 6.2, then on Animation.

How Do Enzymes Work? (McGraw Hill)

Enzymes (Click all but the Allosteric Enzymes link!)

How Do Enzymes Work? (Starch Digestion)

How Temperature Affects Molecular Motion (BEC)

Enzyme Activity

Competitive Enzyme Inhibition (EduMedia Science)

Noncompetitive Enzyme Inhibition (Allosteric Enzymes)

Biochemical Pathways (Several different enzymes in close proximity that help change a substrate via several steps into its product)

Biochemical Pathways (McGraw Hill)

Feedback Inhibition of Biochemical Pathways (McGraw Hill)

We will be testing about Nucleic Acids in December: (Don't Study This Now!)

Nucleic Acid Vocab/ Study List: May be printed or copied and pasted for your own use.

Nucleic Acids
