[Sophomore Biology: Organic Molecules Menu]


Carbohydrates include all sugars, almost a (CH2O)n 1:2:1 ratio of C:H:O.

Monomer Carbos: Monosaccharides (simple sugars)-------

All have formula C6H12O6. Examples: Glucose (shown above) & Fructose

Polymer Carbos:

A. Disaccharides (double sugars, m-m) Ex.- Table Sugar (sucrose).---

B. Polysaccharides (ÒmanyÓ sugars, m-m-m-) --


Types of polysaccharides:

a. Glycogen: Animal energy storage found in our liver.

b. Starch: Plant energy storage.

c. Cellulose: Plant building material (wood). Most abundant carbo.


*Organic molecules not dissolvable in H2O.

*Major part of cell membranes.

*Lipids contain many C-H bonds which store energy.

All Lipids are monomers.

Most contain fatty acids, long chains of C-H bonds ending in COOH, which are then bonded to Glycerol.


Saturated Fatty Acid (F.A.)- all bonds are C-C or C-H. Contains more energy, thus more fattening.

Unsaturated F.A.- some bonds may be C=C. Contains less energy, less fattening.

Types of Lipids:

A. Triglycerides: Made of glycerol & 3 fatty acids. (EX. Fats & oils)


B. Phospholipids: Glycerol, 2 fatty acids, & 1 phosphate group (PO4). (Ex.-Cell membranes)


C. Wax: Fatty Acid & an alcohol group (OH).

D. Steroids: Consist of four 5- or 6-sided carbon rings joined together. Has no fatty acids. (Ex.- Cholesterol, hormones)

Nucleic Acids

Largest molecules made by organisms. They store the info a cell needs to make proteins

1. DNA- Genetic material. Template for all proteins. Controls RNA.

2. RNA- Smaller genetic material. Directs protein synthesis.

Nucleic acids contain both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) which helps to identify them.

The diagram below illustrates a nucleotide, which is the monomer (building block form of all nucleic acids).
