[IB Biology at GHS: Chemistry Unit Review Game]

Answer Sheet for Review Game for Unit Exam on Chemistry

IB Biology at GHS (1st Year)



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Answer Sheet For Organic Molecule Test Review
1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
2. (3 of the following:) Phosphorus, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Iron, Copper
3. Atoms have equal numbers of electrons and protons and thus no net electrical charge. Ions have unequal numbers of electrons and protons and thus have an electrical charge.
4. Cohesion means two or more molecules (of the same type) sticking together. Example: water molecules stick together.
5. Three special water properties that result from hydrogen bonding include:
a. Cohesion: water molecules stick together to support floating objects better.
b. Adhesion: water molecules stick to others and can thus help dissolve or move them.
c. High heat of vaporization: It takes a lot of energy to evaporate water due to H bonds, so when we sweat, that helps cool us.
d. Ice floats
e. Universal solvent: Due to its polar nature, it helps dissolve many substances.
6. Organic is any molecule containing carbon (especially carbon bonded to hydrogen) but excludes CO2 and the carbonates (CO3).
7. Glucose (a monosaccharide)
8. A nucleotide (subunit of nucleic acids)
9. When an enzyme is denatured, its active site changes shape so that the substrate can no longer fit, thus slowing or stopping the reaction the enzyme catalyzes.
10. C6H12O6
11. Carbohydrates
12. To bond two organic subunits together, water is removed from between the two and a bond forms. Because water is being formed, we call that condensation.
13. Lipids
14. During hydrolysis, a large molecule is split into 2 or more smaller subunits. First, water is split and put back into the bond. As this happens, the larger molecule is split into smaller molecules.
15. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid).
16. Peptide bonds
17. Simple sugar (smallest type of sugar). Two examples include glucose, fructose, ribose, and deoxyribose
18. Sugar made of 2 bonded monosaccharides. Examples of disaccharides include sucrose and lactose.
19. Sugar made of 3 or more bonded monosaccharides. Examples of polysaccharides include starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
20. Dipeptide
21. Polypeptide
22. Amino Acids are the subunits of all proteins.
23. Words ending in –ase denote enzymes.
24. Monosaccharides (simple sugars) are building blocks of all carbohydrates.
25. 20 different amino acids.
26. All amino acids are the same except for their R groups.
27. 4 named proteins and their jobs include: a) hemoglobin (transport of oxygen in blood), b) actin or myosin (contractile proteins in muscles, used for movement); c) antibodies (defense of the body from invaders; d) enzymes (like catalase or amylase that help speed up reactions);
e) collagen (provides structure and shape of skin, bones, cartilage); f) hormones like insulin or adrenaline are chemical messengers between groups of cells at distant sites.
28. Enzymes with lock and key fit with their substrates have an active site that does not change shape. Only one substrate fits to this type of enzyme. Enzymes with induced fit have an active site that can modify its shape, thus increasing its activity and also allowing several substrates to fit the active site.
29. Disaccharide
30. Condensation
31. Condensation
32. Condensation
33. Hydrolysis
34. Hydrolysis
35. Triglycerides are formed by bonding glycerol and fatty acids together via dehydration.
36. Polysaccharide
37. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to an allosteric site which is distant from the active site. This binding causes the active site to change its shape, thus inhibiting the reaction. During competitive inhibition, a competitor molecule of similar shape binds on the active site, preventing the substrate from binding.
38. Temperature affects enzyme reactions in the following way: Increasing the temperature increases the activity (reaction rate) of the enzyme until its optimal temperature is reached. Above the optimal temperature, the reaction rate again decreases as the enzyme’s active site is denatured.
39. The 4 main organic molecule groups include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
40. No, although it has carbon in it, carbon dioxide is not considered as organic.
41. Yes, CH4 is an organic molecule
42. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are the 3 most numerous elements of cells.
43. The reactants are NaOH & HCl
44. The products are NaCl & H2O
45. Functions (need 2) of carbohydrates include structure (like cellulose) and energy storage.
46. Three functions of proteins include:
a. enzymes, b. transport (like hemoglobin), c. structure (like muscle fibers, collagen and ligaments), d. body defense (antibodies), e. hormones (like insulin).
47. Phosphate (found in nucleotides)
48. Amino Acid
49. Peptide bond between 2 amino acids
50. All enzymes usually end in the 3-letter suffix of –ase.
51. Water molecules sticking to other water molecules is cohesion.
52. Water molecules sticking to glass molecules is an example of adhesion.
53. Glycerol
54. Two functions of lipids include energy storage, structure (as in the membranes of cells), and as hormones (steroids).
55. Fatty Acid
56. glucose
57. fructose
58. Sucrose is the scientific name of table sugar.
59. Lactose is the scientific name of the disaccharide known as milk sugar.
60. The subunit of all nucleic acids is the nucleotide.
61. Metabolic pathways are clusters of several enzymes sitting side by side which take a substrate and change through a series of enzyme catalyzed steps to make a product.
62. The substrate and active site of an enzyme fit together so tightly, like a lock and key that the active site is unique to the fit of only one substrate.
63. Activation energy is the amount of energy needed to get the molecule/s involved oriented correctly and moving fast enough to react when they collide.
64. Catalysts are any chemicals which lower the activation energy of a reaction to facillitate that reaction.
65. It is saturated (No double bonds between C atoms (no C=C).
66. It is unsaturated (One or more C=C bonds)
67. Carboxyl group
68. Amino group
69. R-group
70. Catalysts are any chemicals which lower the activation energy of a reaction to facillitate that reaction.
71. Enzymes are catalysts made of protein which help facillitate reactions.
72. Glycogen
73. Induced fit means the active site on an enzyme can modify its shape to fit several different sets of substrates. This means such enzymes can catalyze more than on type of reaction.
74. During competitive inhibition, a molecule other than the substrate fits to part of the active site, thus preventing binding of the substrate so the reaction doesn’t occur.
75. During noncompetitive inhibition, a molecule fits to a site away from the active site. When this occurs, the active site is deformed so that substrate can’t fit there and the reaction doesn’t occur.
76. The allosteric site is a site away from the active site on an enzyme where an inhibitor or activator fits.
77. Primary level proteins have the simplest structures.
78. Primary level proteins are just simple chains of amino acids. Secondary level proteins take those simple amino acid chains and fold them over and connect them with weak hydrogen bonds.
79. Tertiary level proteins consist of single amino acid chains that have many hydrogen bonds so that the shape is complex. Quaternary level proteins have even more complex shapes than tertiary. Quaternary level proteins are made of 2 or more tertiary level proteins bonded together.
80. Adhesion means the sticking of water molecules to other kinds of molecules (like glass) due to hydrogen bonds.
81. Water is a polar molecule, so the H end has a + charge and the O end has a – charge. This polar charge is attracted to other polar molecules or ions and can thus pull them apart.
82. Lipids do not mix well with water because the former is a nonpolar (noncharged) molecule, while water is polar or slightly charged.
83. Atoms are neutrally charged and have equal numbers of electrons and protons. Ions are charged and have unequal numbers of electrons and protons.
84. Proteases are enzymes that remove protein-based stains from clothes.
85. Pectinases are enzymes added to crushed fruits to deactivate pectinases, preventing the gelling of the juice.
86. Changes in pH or temperature denature enzymes.
87. Tertiary proteins structures have bonds between adjacent loops (secondary) and distant loops, while secondary protein structures only have bonding between adjacent loops.
