[GHS IB Biology: Chemistry]

Sample Lab Results

Lipase---------------------Lipids -------------> Fatty Acids + Glycerol


As the concentration of lipase increases, the reaction rate increases. This is a linear function. The slope of this line is ____?____. At 0.0% concentration, the reaction is 0% Vmax because there is no enzyme to catalyze the reaction. At 0.5 (50%) enzyme concentration, the reaction occurs at 50% of Vmax. At 1.0 (100%) enzyme concentration, the reaction occurs at 100% Vmax. The reaction rate increases at a linear rate as concentration of enzyme concentration increases because when there is more enzyme available, more substrate (lipid) can be broken down.

At 0 degrees celsius, the rate of reactions involving lipase occur at 30% of Vmax, at 30 degrees they reach a maximum of 85% of Vmax, and descend to 0% Vmax at 50 degrees celsius. The reaction rate increases from 0-30 degrees because the molecules are moving faster, so there are more collision of sufficient energy for reaction to occur. Above 30 degrees, the reaction rate decreases as increasing amounts of lipase are denatured so lipids can't fit in their active site.

At a pH of 3, the reaction rate of lipase is 0% Vmax and continues at 0% until a pH of 6. At a pH of 7, the reaction rate of lipase is 50% Vmax. Lipase reaches its optimal pH at 9, where the reation rate is 90% Vmax. At pH below 6, lipase is completely denatured. It begins to be denatured below pH 9 and would theoretically begin to be denatured again at a pH above 9.

Lipase is an enzyme that aids in the digestion of lipids (fats and oils). It is released in the upper small intestine where the pH is basic (above 7), accounting for its max reaction rate near pH 9. It is found internally in the body, which has a constant temp at 98.6 F (about 33 C) which is seen in the results above.

Lab Write Ups:

****See Online Notes on Factors that Affect Enzyme Reaction Rates to help understand (thus interpret and write about results you have observed)!

1) Reorganize Data Tables so you don't have 15 separate tables. Write a descriptive title for each and include column labels and units.

2. Organize Graphs so you don't have 15 separate graphs. Write a descriptive title for each graph, and include complete labels & units for both the X & Y axes.

3) Write complete results for each enzyme as shown above. You may need to do an internet search for info about each enzyme.
