Monday January 13, 2002
Thursday January 9, 20021. Cell Division Test
2. Finish Lab: Mitosis in Plant & Animal Cells (Bring Lab Books). (See lab handout.)
1. Importance of cell division
2. Lab: Mitosis in Plant & Animal Cells (Bring Lab Books).
3. Test on Cell Division next time (multiple choice, fill in, matching, identify from pictures, essay?):
Study the following:
a. Handouts
b. Online Notes
d. Study your CD-ROM (see the Genetics section)
e. Read from your text book: pp 208-218 & pp 224-225.
Tuesday January 7, 2003
Friday December 20, 20021. Review of cell division.
2. Cloning of Dolly the Sheep & of humans
1. Writeup of experiment from lab book, Procedure 8.4. due today (class data tables, graph, results, and data analysis........analyze the results as to which data is flawed. Suggest reasons data may be flawed!)
1. Notes & Handouts on Cell Cycle, Cytokinesis & Mitosis
2. Review
3. Quiz on stages of Mitosis and Cytokinesis
1. Test on cells, cell membranes, diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.
1. Review for test on cells, cell membranes, and diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.
2. Collect data from other teams for lab book procedures 8.4 & 8.5.
1. Test next Monday on cells, cell membranes, and diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.
2. Review of multicelled organism organization: cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
3. Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. Metabolic Roles or Niches of Prokaryotic Cells (See bottom of notes.)
5. Comparison of plant and animal cells. (See bottom of notes & Pg. 102 in your book.)
6. 2. Origin of Organelles in Eukaryotic Cells - The Theory of Endosymbiosis. (See pg 75, 102 & Fig. 5.31)
7. Description of Sodium-potassium pump. (See handout, read 120-121.)
8. Description of the proton pump. (See handout & read page 122.)
9. Desription of cotransport. (See handout & read page 122.)
10. Description of Facilitated Diffusion. (See handout.)
See Table 5.2 (Comparison of Bacterial, Animal & Plant Cells) Pg. 102
1. Perorm experiment from lab book, Procedure 8.4.
1. Hypertonic, Isotonic, & Hypotonic Solutions
2. Diffusion & Active Transport Notes
a. Diffusion
b. Facillitated Diffusion
c. Active Transport
i. Cotransport
ii. NA+/ K+ Pumps
d. Endocytosis
i. Phagocytosis
ii. Pinocytosis
e. Exocytosis
3. Review of Cells
1. Two Hour Late Arrival Today: 53 minute periods!
2. Role of Internal Membranes in Cells- Write out path of polypeptide from rough ER to Golgi Apparatus to Vacuole and Release at Plasma Membrane (Potential Essay Question)
3. Review of Fluid Mosaic Model of Plasma Membranes
4. Introduction to Diffusion/ Osmosis.
1. Plasma Membrane Notes (See Handout on Membranes)
2. Functions of Membranes Proteins (Also see pg. 111)
3. Finish Cell Lab (Exercise 3): See Cell Lab Handout)
4. If you haven't finished the lab by today, you will need to come in on your own time to finish! Due Thursday December 5.
1. Diagram (Handout) of organelles found in animal cells (know how to ID for test!)
2. Review organelles of both plant and animal cells.
3. Continue working on Lab Exercise #3: Examining Cells as given on the handout.
1. Notes: Eukaryotic cells (Chloroplasts to differences between plant and animal cells.)
3. Continue working on Lab Exercise #3: Examining Cells as given on the handout.
Two hour late arrival today! Classes are only 53 minutes long!
1. Diagram (Handout) of organelles found in plant cells (know how to ID for test!)
2. Notes: Eukaryotic cells (Eukaryotic Cells to Lysosomes.)
3. Finish & turn in Lab Exercise #2: Microscopes if you haven't! (Due by next time.)
4. Begin working on Lab Exercise #3: Examining Cells as given on the handout.
1. Notes: Prokaryotic Cells
2. Diagram of Prokaryotic Cells
3. Continue working on Microscope Lab (Lab Exercise 2)
1. Those who missed any part of the organic molecule test need to see me ASAP to make it up!
2. Review results of the Enzyme Inquiry an place them in your portfolios.
3. Notes on Cell Theory & Microscopes.
4. Lab Notebook: Do the following:
Procedure 2.1
Question 1: Answer all questions in complete sentences!
Procedure 2.2
Question 2
Alternate Procedure 2.3 (page 15)- Neatly draw in, label, and record data for Table 2.1(page 15) on your paper.
Question 3
Procedure 2.4
Question 4
Procedure 2.5
Question 5
5. Reading Homework:
a. Lab book: Read pages 9-17. Also look at the pictures!