[IB Biology at GHS: Reviews of Cellular Respiration] ----- [Review Game]

Cellular Respiration Review Game Answer Sheet



1. True, wood burning & aerobic respiration are the same except that aerobic respiration takes many steps that release energy slowly so that lots of ATP can be made.

2. The reaction equation is an example of reduction, as the oxygen gains both electrons and hydrogen to become water.

3. The rate of aerobic respiration goes up when you have very little ATP in your cells.

4. The one factor that controls the rate of aerobic respiration in your body is the amount of ATP in your cells. If it is low, aerobic respiration goes up. If it is high, aerobic respiration goes down.

5. This reaction is an example of reduction. The ADP is gaining energy to become ATP.

6. When you have very little oxygen in your cells, you increase your rate of breathing.

7. Pyruvate contains 3 carbon atoms.

8. False. Anaerobic respiration occurs in the cell cytoplasm, not in the mitochondria.

9. None. Carbon dioxide is not released as a product of glycolysis.

10. Glucose contains 6 carbon atoms.

11. Anaerobic Respiration.

12. Electron transfer takes place in the Cristae (inner folded membranes) of the mitochondria.

13. 36 ATP are made by all of aerobic respiration.

14. Waste energy is released as heat during aerobic respiration. 15. Glycolysis occurs in the cell cytoplasm of all cells.

16. The hydrogen reacts with oxygen at the end of the electron transport system to form water.

17. 2 net ATP are made by fermentation.

18. Aerobic respiration produces more ATP (36) than does anaerobic respiration (2).

19. The products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide (6), water (6), heat, and ATP (36).

20. The energy, electron, and hydrogen carrier during aerobic respiration is either NADH or FADH2 (one answer is ok).

21. Glycolysis is the step of aerobic respiration that requires no oxygen.

22. Lactate contains 3 carbon atoms.

23. Glycolysis.

24. Two products of lactate fermentation include: 2 ATP, 2 NAD+ & lactate.

25. The energy released from hydrogen during the electron transport chain is used to pump protons across the cristae to make lots of ATP (32) (as a result of chemiosmosis).

26. The Kreb's cycle occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria.

27. When you have lots of ATP in your cells, you don't need to make very much new ATP, so your rate of aerobic respiration decreases.

28. 2 NADH are another product of glycolysis.

29. True. Aerobic respiration changes the bond energy of glucose into the bond energy of ATP, which cells can then use.

30. Oxygen is used only during the last step of Electron Transfer. 31. Glycolysis is when glucose is split into two 3C molecules.

32. 2 photosynthesis products that all living things need as the reactants for aerobic respiration are sugar (glucose) and oxygen.

33. Two net ATP are made during glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle.

34. Anaerobic respiration makes a total of 4 ATP for each glucose molecule broken down, however 2 of these are used to energize the next glucose to enter glycolysis, so we say that anaerobic respiration makes a net gain of 2 ATP.

35. None. Electron Transport makes no carbon dioxide!

36. 6CO2 + 6H2O ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2

37. C6H12O6 + 6O2 ----> 6CO2 + 6H2O (and it also makes 36ATP and heat too!)

38. Electron Transfer is the step of aerobic respiration where 32 ATP are made.

39. One carbon atom is found in carbon dioxide.

40. 36 net ATP are made from each glucose during aerobic respiration.

41. The mitochondria is the part of a cell where most of aerobic respiration takes place.

42. Two products of alcohol fermentation include: ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, 2 ATP and 2 NAD+.

43. Electron Transfer is the step where the energy of the excited electrons brought from the other two steps is released to make ATP.

44. A total of 4 CO2 are released from both Kreb's Cycle reactions for each glucose broken down.

45. CoEnzyme A joins with pyruvate during the link reaction, making Acetyl CoA and releasing CO2 & 1 NADH.

46. NADH carries a) hydrogen b) energy c) electrons.

47. A) Glycolysis. B) Kreb's Cycle. C) Electron Transport.

48. Matrix

49. Cristae

50. Outer compartment

51. Electron Transport

52. Sugar (Glucose) and Oxygen (O2) are reactants of aerobic respiration.

53. Mitochondria

54. Krebs Cycle

55. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) & Water (H2O) are products of aerobic respiration. Heat and 36 ATP are products too!

56. Glycolysis makes 2 net ATP.

57. Glycolysis makes 4 gross ATP (Remember that 2 go back to split the next sugar molecule.).

58. Oxygen

59. Carbon dioxide

60. ATP

61. 2 ATP are needed to energize and split each glucose entering aerobic respiration.

62. Fermentation is trying to make more NAD+ so that glycolysis can keep making more ATP for the cell.

63. Oxidation. You can tell because energy is being released (a sign of oxidation).

64. Oxidative decarboxylation means oxidizing what remains of glucose during the link reaction or the Krebs cycle and then releasing the remaining carbons as carbon dioxide molecules.

65. ATP synthase is the enzyme making ATP during electron transport.

66. Phosphorylation means synthesizing ATP.

67. Substrate phosphorylation involves an enzyme placing the substrates (ADP, P and a molecule like PGAL or other smaller breakdown molecule of glucose) in its active site in order to make ATP.

68. Oxidative phosphorylation means that ATP synthase is creating 32 ATP by using the energy, electrons and protons derived from oxidizing (breaking down) glucose.

69. NADH or FADH2 carry H+, e- and energy to electron transport. They have brought these 3 things from glycolysis or Krebs Cycle from the oxidation of glucose.

70. Two products of lactate fermentation include a) lactate, b) 2 ATP and c) NAD+.

71. ATP synthase is the enzyme in the mitochondria that makes energy rich ATP.

72. Oxidative decarboxylation means oxidizing what remains of glucose during the link reaction or the Krebs cycle and then releasing the remaining carbons as carbon dioxide molecules.

73. Two products of alcohol fermentation include a) ethyl alcohol, b) carbon dioxide, c) 2 ATP and d) NAD+.

74. Two products of lactate fermentation include a) lactate, b) 2 ATP and c) NAD+.

75. Fats enter aerobic respiration at 2 places. The fatty acids enter the Krebs cycle while glycerol is first converted to Acetyl CoA.

76. The H+, e- and energy that NADH & FADH2 carry have come from the Krebs Cycle or Glycolysis and are the result of oxidizing the original glucose molecule.

77. Cells prefer to use carbohydrates as their 1st energy source.

78. Cells prefer to use lipids as their 2nd energy source, but only after all carbos have been consumed.

79. Cells prefer to use proteins as their 3rd energy source, but only after all carbos and lipids have been used.

80. NAD+ must be constantly remade at the end of electron transport or during fermentation so NAD+ can be made to keep glycolysis going, so glycolysis can at least make 2 net ATP for the cell.

81. The reaction show is an example of oxidation. You can tell because NADH is losing, H+, electrons and energy, all signs of oxidation.

82. Acetyl CoA is the 2-C molecule that enters the Krebs Cycle from the Link Reaction.

83. Two Krebs cycles must occur for each glucose molecule.

84. NADH is made during a) glycolysis, b) the Link Reaction and c) the Krebs cycle.

85. FADH2 is only formed during the Krebs Cycle.

86. FADH2 and NADH release their load of electrons, energy and protons at the cristae during electron transport.

87. The high energy electrons which travel through electron transport give their energy to power proton pumps so protons can be actively transported to the outer compartment where they become concentrated and can then move back through the cristae to generate 32 ATP during chemiosmosis.

88. Two cycles of the Krebs cycle generate 2 net ATP.

89. Electron transport makes 32 net ATP.

90. Chemiosmosis involves high energy electrons providing energy to proton pumps in the cristae to pump protons to the outer compartment. When in high concentration in the outer compartment, the protons diffuse back through the cristae, passing ATP synthase, which takes their energy and uses it to make 32 ATP.
