[Respiration Reviews]

10. During the Krebs Cycle, the following steps occur:

a. The 2-carbon Acetyl-CoA joins a 4-carbon molecule, creating a 6-carbon molecule (known as citric acid).

b. The 6-carbon molecule is decarboxylated a first time, losing the carbon as carbon dioxide. The result is a 5-carbon molecule which proceeds through the cycle.

c. The 5-carbon molecule is decarboxylated a second time, the carbon released as carbon dioxide.

d. The resulting 4-carbon molecule proceeds through the remaining steps of the Krebs Cycle where it is reconfigured to ready it to pick up the next Acetyl-CoA.

e. During the steps of the Krebs Cycle, 1 ATP is created via substrate level phosphorylation, and 3 NADH + H+ and 1 FADH2 are created which then carry their load of hydrogen ions and energized electrons to the Electron Transport Chain.


