[Cell Division and Meiosis Review Game 2006]

Answer Sheet for Review Game for 1st Semester Exam


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1. Mitosis occurs in body cells (non sex cells).
2. False. Interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle.
3. Mitosis and cytokinesis makes 2 identical cells.
4. True. Replication occurs during the S phase of interphase.
5. Only one cell division occurs during each mitotic division.
6. Human body cells normally contain 23 pairs of chromosomes.
7. True.
8. Cells stop growing in size a) when they touch other cells or b) they have genes that limit their continued growth.
9. When a cut occurs, the cells at the edges of the cut begin cell division via mitosis. Mitosis continues until the gap is closed.
10. Mitosis is asexual.
11. Mitosis makes diploid cells (cells with normal chromosome number).
12. Asexual reproduction involves only 1 parent.
13. Typical human body cells contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).
14. Telophase. It is a plant cell and the dashed line represents a new cell plate (cell wall).
15. Prophase. The nucleolus has disappeared and the chromatids look like dark spaghetti.
16. Metaphase. The chromatids are lined up across the equator.
17. Interphase. The nucleus and nucleolus are visible. No chromatids are visible.
18. Anaphase. The chromatids are being pulled towards the poles.
19. A cleavage furrow begins to divide the animal cell in two during telophase.
20. IPMAT Interphase-Prophase-Metaphase-Anaphase-Telophase
21. Cells spend the most time in interphase (or the G1 phase of interphase)
22. Sister chromatids
23. Chromatin (Chromatin consists of DNA wrapped around many histone proteins.)
24. Chromatin consists of DNA wrapped around many histone proteins.
25. The DNA wraps 2-times around each histone protein to help condense the DNA to a more managable size prior to nuclear and cell division.
26. Spindle fibers
27. Equator
28. Genes are small sections of DNA responsible for making 1 protein and thus 1 trait.
29. The centromere is the small protein connecting 2 sister chromatids together prior to nuclear and cell division.
30. Asexual reproduction is most advantageous in environments that rarely change so the DNA of the species stays constant.
31. Sexual reproduction is most advantageous in changing environments because it recombines genes, making it possible for some members of a species to have gene combinations that can survive the changes.
32. Sister chromatids
33. Homologous chromosomes
34. Poles
35. Cloning is asexual reproduction. Cells or organisms that have identical DNA (and thus are identical twins) are formed.
36. A) Mitosis involves 1 cell division, meiosis involves 2 cell divisions. B) During mitosis, the sister chromatids separate while in meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate during 1st division. C) In mitosis, diploid daughter cells identical to the parent cell are formed while during meiosis, haploid sex cells with 1/2 the chromosome number are formed.
37. Mitosis forms identical (DNA & chromosome #) in both parent and daughter cells.
38. Meiosis forms daughter cells with 1/2 the DNA and chromosome number than the parent.
39. Tumours (cancer) are cells growing and reproducting out of control.
40. Diploid
41. Haploid
42. True. Probability is the likelihood or chance an event will occur.
43. Meiosis creates sex cells or gametes.
44. Genetics is the branch of biology that studies heredity.
45. True.
46. Cytokinesis means division of one cell into 2 cells (during telophase of mitosis).
47. Dominant alleles are those that are "strong" and thus hide the "weaker" recessive allele when paired together.
48. Recessive alleles are those that are "weaker" and thus suppressed by the "stronger" dominant alleles.
49. Homozygous means 2 alleles of a gene pair are identical.
50. Heterozygous means 2 alleles of a gene pair are different.
51. TT is homozygous dominant.
52. Gg is heterozygous.
53. bb is homozygous recessive.
54. Genotype means the 2 alleles an individual posesses for a gene trait.
55. Alleles are the different forms of a gene for the same trait. (Ex: blue eye allele, brown eye allele, green eye allele, etc....)
56. Phenotype: The visible characteristic or manifestation of a trait in an individual.
57. Meiosis is a cell division involving a reduction division (chromosome number is reduced from normal).
58. B = the equator.
59. If Superman is heterozygous for laser eyesight, his genotype is Ll.
60. Diploid. Diplois cells are normal body cells with normal chromosome number.
61. Mitosis forms body cells with 42 chromosomes, identical to the parent cell.
62. Meiosis in the Tasmanian Devil creates gametes with 21 chromosomes (1/2 normal chromosome #).
63. After replication, the cell of a Tasmanian wombat would have 84 chromosomes (double the normal number).
64. A) Growth of the organism (increasing # of body cells), B) repair of damaged tissues or regeneration, and C) asexual reproduction to form clones of the original parent organism.
65. Cytokinesis is the division of the cell into 2 identical cells. This occurs after the original nucleus is divided into 2 identical nuclei via mitosis.
66. In plants, there are no visible centrioles and the cell is divided by a new cell wall known as a cell plate. In animals, centrioles are visible and the cell divides by making a cleavage furrow between the 2 cells.
67. Mitosis is the portion of the cell cycle where the nucleus is divided into 2 identical nuclei.
68. The 3 phases of interphase are A) G1 phase where the cell initially grows and does its "job", B) S phase where replication (duplication) of the DNA occurs, and C) G2 phase where the cell prepares for nuclear division by doubling the organelles.
69. Mendels Law of Segregation states that "2 alleles of each gene separete into different gametes during meiosis.
70. Gametes are haploid sex cells formed by meiosis (Ex: sperm or egg)
71. Nondisjunction is the improper separation of chromatids during either the 1st or 2nd division of meiosis. The result is the formation of 1 gamete with 1 extra chromosome and another chromosome with 1 chromosome missing.
72. Examples of nondisjunction include: Down's Syndrome, Trisomy X (XXX) or Klinefelter's Syndrome (XXY).
73. 2 to the 12th power (212) different combinations of chromosomes in the gametes. This importantly creates great opportunity for the fetuses resulting from sexual reproduction to be different from each other!
74. A) Mitosis involves 1 cell division, meiosis involves 2 cell divisions. B) During mitosis, the sister chromatids separate while in meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate during 1st division. C) In mitosis, diploid daughter cells identical to the parent cell are formed while during meiosis, haploid sex cells with 1/2 the chromosome number are formed.
75. Interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle.
