You are an engineer for Excavation Specialists of San Francisco, which is
a multinational company based in California, which specializes in removing hazardous
wastes. You want your company to win this contract so you must convince the
town council and the people of Fairview to choose your cleanup method. You think
that the best plan is to excavate the contaminated soil using bulldozers, steam
shovels, and large earthmovers and transporting it to a hazardous waste facility,
located 4 miles away near Gresham, Oregon. This procedure is expensive but in
the long term could save money for the taxpayers of the Fairview area because
the costs of obtaining another water supply will be avoided. Since most of the
contaminated soil will be removed, long term pumping to remove the groundwater
that may contain chemical will not be necessary. This procedure would be reliable
and safe, but a thorough preliminary report would be needed to assess the environmental
impact of the plan. Although your company has a good reputation for careful
excavation in the area, you have not handled the cleanup of a contaminated site
as large as this. Your workers have been trained in procedures for handling
hazardous wastes, and you will work with a team of geologists, geochemists,
and other soil experts to make sure the soil removal is efficient and effective.
INFO: See the class notes on excavation & storage. Your method of cleanup is
very effective, in that it can remove most of the pollution. However it is expensive.
It will cost the town of Fairview about $14 million in US dollars ($240 per
person each year for 10 yrs). You will need to work with your public relations
person/s to devise a campaign to convince the town council to choose your company's
clean up plan. The PR people, with your ideas, should produce posters, button,
company logo (design), etc. that will make others want to vote for your plan.
In addition, you will need to write out your script for your presentation to
the city council, and you will need to make a poster that shows what your company
plans to do.
You have devised a new method to treat the water that does not require the
removal of any water or soil. The groundwater can therefore be treated as it
rests directly in the ground. In this method, developed in your laboratory by
an expert group of American scientists and engineers, a strong electric field
is created. This is done by creating several power transformer stations on opposite
sides of the town with electrical cables laid downward into the aquifer. Electricity
will then be allowed to flow between the two power stations, with the heat,
magnetic, and electrical energy that has been generated transforming the chemical
molecules into non-toxic substances. Essentially, the electric field changes
the electric charge of the chemical molecules so that they are no longer toxic
to living organisms. Using your method, any risks to workers or residents by
any method or combination of methods will be eliminated. It will not be necessary
to remove the chemical source, except for the drums that are near the surface.
Because this process is so new, you will provide it to the Fairview area residents
for the costs of the materials. The total cost will be even less than the clay-cover
option. This will essentially be a large scale experiment to prove that your
method is a safe and efficient way to the groundwater. You hope that a documented,
successful use of your process will create future demand and profits for your
company. INFO: The amount of electricity in the ground will be barely noticeable.
The voltage will be low enough to be safe (no one can get electrocuted), and
the electricity can be kept on during the night when no one is using the water,
to minimize the risk of electric accidents. The cost to Fairview will be about
$8 million in US dollars (about $175 per person per year over 10 yrs). Look
at your notes for other information. You will need to work with your public
relations person/s to devise a campaign to convince the town council to choose
your company's clean up plan. The PR people, with your ideas, should produce
posters, button, company logo (design), etc. that will make others want to vote
for your plan. In addition, you will need to write out your script for your
presentation to the city council, and you will need to make a poster that shows
what your company plans to do with the pollution.
You are very concerned about public opinion over this incident. You realize
that even though the particular chemical in the groundwater is not currently
made by your company (it was manufactured by your company many years ago), the
public is very sensitive to issues that involve their supply of safe drinking
water. You are concerned with the dangers and high cost involved with excavation
and transportation of the soil. An incident involving accidental exposure to
workers or residents might damage both their health and personal safely and
the reputation of your company. You feel that if you build an incinerator near
your plant that can burn the hazardous wastes, the chances of an accident will
be greatly reduced. You have recently applied for a construction permit from
the city. You have promised the city that if your company is allowed to construct
the incinerator, you will burn the excavated soil at no cost to the city. You
plan to mention as part of your presentation that as the soil burns, the chemical
molecules are broken down to smaller molecules that are completely nontoxic.
You also plant to point out that even though other solid particles are dispersed
as part off the incineration process, the overall health risks of air pollution
are less than the immediate risks imposed by exposure to possibly hazardous
groundwater. You plan to prepare a report that details federal and state safety
protocols for incinerator facilities to share with residents. INFO: The incinerator
that you will build is the most modern design to be found in America. Many european
and american communities have incinerators near them where garbage and toxic
substances are burned everyday without complaints by the local people. The incinerator
by itself will cost about $4 million in US dollars. The excavation of the area
of Fairview above the most toxic concentrations of chemical will be about $10
million in US dollars. This includes dumping the cleaned soil back into the
place where it was dug from. (Total cost = $14 million - about $240 per taxpayer
per year over 10 yrs) Look at your notes for extra information on the incineration.
You will need to work with your public relations person/s to devise a campaign
to convince the town council to choose your company's clean up plan. The PR
people, with your ideas, should produce posters, button, company logo (design),
etc. that will make others want to vote for your plan. In addition, you will
need to write out your script for your presentation to the city council, and
you will need to make a poster that shows what your company plans to do.
You work for a high-tech. firm that essentially discovers bacteria (germs
or micro-organisms) that are capable of eating hazardous chemicals. Your company
then takes these bacteria and mutates (changes) them (or engineers them) to
be more effective at decomposing toxic wastes, and more importantly, to be able
to eat a wide range of chemicals. All of the chemical wastes that these microbes
are able to eat are then converted into CO2 and H2O, and other harmless compounds.
Your company has developed a strain of bacteria that is capable of digesting
the toxic chemical found in Fairview's aquifer into harmless substances. You
propose that your company will grow enough of these bacteria during the next
2 months to be put into a liquid solution that can be sprayed on the ground
at the illegal dump site as well as over the areas directly above the most contaminated
parts of the aquifer to help rid the top soil of any chemical contamination.
You also propose to use the wells used to test the aquifer (from the town well
testing lab) and drill an additional 10 wells at a cost of $2000 dollars apiece
which will be used to deliver a bacterial solution which will be used to decompose
the chemical within the aquifer. Your company will continue to grow new batches
of this chemical destroying bacteria to place within the wells as needed. In
addition, your company will provide frequent water testing to see how effective
the bacteria are working. You add that these bacteria have never been used in
a full scale aquifer before, but laboratory experiments have proven to be very
promising. You also point out that your company provided oil eating bacteria
to the Americans who used them to rave reviews for cleaning up the terrible
oil spill created when the oil tanker ran aground in Valdez, Alaska several
years ago. INFO: This clean up method is inexpensive, about $10 million in US
dollars (about $200 for each taxpayer each year over 10 yrs). It is also controversial
because many people are suspicious of the use of "germs" for useful purposes.
You can point out that we use "germs" for many other everyday purposes like
making cheese, yogurt, medicines, wine, alcohol, vinegar, etc.. This clean up
method has not been used in large scale operations in aquifers, but has worked
especially well in large-scale lab experiments. Use your notes for other information
to help create your role. You will need to work with your public relations person/s
to devise a campaign to convince the town council to choose your company's clean
up plan. The PR people, with your ideas, should produce posters, button, company
logo (design), etc. that will make others want to vote for your plan. In addition,
you will need to write out your script for your presentation to the city council,
and you will need to make a poster that shows what your company plans to do.
You think the best plan is to excavate a 30 foot wide ditch around the outer
limits of the unsafe boundary. This ditch will be 30 to 40 feet deep, and will
extend all the way down to the bedrock. Your company will line this ditch with
plastic and a thick layer of clay, which will prevent the chemical from spreading
further into the aquifer. In addition, your company will supervise the demolition
of all the homes and businesses within this area, and finally, your company
will place layers of thick plastic tarp and a 15 foot thick layer of clay atop
the site. The plastic and clay will of course act as an aquitard. You have worked
on the clean up of a number of hazardous waste sites and have greatly improved
the clay barrier technology. Although it is possible for the clay barrier to
crack and leak, you argue that careful monitoring of the work and the site afterward
will virtually eliminate this danger. You argue that the groundwater can be
treated to remove the chemical and returned safely to the ground. A point in
your favor is that this method has been used before with success in situations
like the one here in Fairview. The method is not as expensive as total excavation
of the site, so some of the money saved can be used to clean up and monitor
other potentially hazardous sites, such as old, underground gasoline tanks at
gas stations and aging sewage lines. INFO: This method is called containment.
It will cost the town of Fairview approximately $11 million in US dollars. This
includes about $5 million in US dollars for monitoring the levels of contamination,
looking for leaks, and pumping water out to purify it, all to be done in the
future. Look in your notes for other information. You will need to work with
your public relations person/s to devise a campaign to convince the town council
to choose your company's clean up plan. The PR people, with your ideas, should
produce posters, button, company logo (design), etc. that will make others want
to vote for your plan. In addition, you will need to write out your script for
your presentation to the city council, and you will need to make a poster that
shows what your company plans to do.
You are the head person in the Multnomah County Water Department. You of course
are saddened that Fairview has chemicals in its aquifer, but at this time, the
town's drinking supply is safe, and will be so for about one more year. You
point out that due to recent flooding, the normal water source (Bull Run) has
been closed down for several weeks to let the water clear, and Multnomah County
is now getting all of its water from the wells along Marine Drive. You list
some of the steps taken to test the water in the aquifer (as done in your labs),
and you mention where the source of the chemical was. You also mention that
that area has already been cleaned, with the leaking barrels and contaminated
top soil being safely stored at the DOW Petrochemical Factory. You also show
a map that illustrates where the aquifer is polluted, and mention what places
might be demolished if the town chooses excavation as a clean up method. You
also give your opinion as to which method of cleanup would be the best choice
for Fairview to follow. You will need to make a large map of Fairview that shows
the extent of the spread of the unsafe chemical. Mention how many houses, businesses,
farms, etc would be demolished if the unsafe area had to be excavated, and do
the same if the entire town shown on the map were to be excavated. You will
also turn in a copy of your written script for your speach to the town council.
12. Manager of the Multnomah County (Water) Pumping Plant
You have worked for the Multnomah County (Water) Plant, which supplies Fairview
& the neighboring Multnomah with all of its backup drinking water for 9 years.
You are concerned that the pollution in the aquifer will reach the water plant
within 1-2 years. When that happens, the well will have to be shut down, as
the danger to the public from the chemical poisoning will be too great. It is
possible to pump water out of the Columbia River that runs near Fairview, but
there is a potential that the river could become polluted to, as a result of
runoff from upstream, and also if polluted water percolates upwards from the
polluted aquifer into the river. It is possible to filter the poison out of
the water, but the price is very expensive, about $9 million , which would result
in the raising of the average taxpayers yearly taxes by $200. It is also possible
to build a pipeline from the neighboring town of Troutdale, which is 3 miles
away. That would cost $12 million and would result in an average yearly tax
bill of $400. A great deal of damage would also result to the environment as
a result of digging a pipeline. Roads and homes would be disrupted by digging
a new pipeline. Buying bottled water for drinking purposes would be very expensive
($2.00 a gallon), and would not satisfy the need for bathing, dish & clothes
washing, irrigation of crops and pets. Bringing water to Fairview in a tanker
truck would not be very practical over a long period of time, and would be very
expensive (you're not sure how expensive). You will create a poster or banner
that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up, or that describes any
of the problems associated with letting the pollution reach the water pumping
plant or problems about finding new sournces of water. You will also write a
script (to turn in) which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
You are an elected member of the Fairview Town Council. You have been on the
Town Council for 15 years. Your ideas are held in high regard by the members
of the community. You will be seated in front of the Town Hall Meeting in your
position of honor, from where you will help direct the Town Hall Meeting. You
run the local dairy store, and most members of the community get their dairy
products from you. You realize that if the clean up method that is chosen results
in the loss of jobs for very many people, then your business will be noticeably
affected (ie., you will make less profit from your store). You were also elected
for your stand on "No new taxes" . The people that voted for you are going to
want a clean up plan that keeps their taxes from getting too high. You keep
these ideas in mind as you choose your preferred clean up method. You will create
a poster that supports yourpreferred method of aquifer clean up, or that at
the same time helps preserve jobs for the community and the prosperity of your
business. You will also turn in your written script from your speech to the
Town Council. Make sure to ask questions to the people representing the companies
that are bidding to earn the clean up job, so that you can clarify any questions
you have, and also to help the ordinary folk of the town to make their decisions
13. MAYOR- Fairview, Oregon
You are very concerned about the groundwater contamination and about the possible
dangers to the health and safety of the Fairview area residents. While wanting
to respond to the problem at hand, you want to develop an awareness of a need
for a comprehensive program of hazards prevention, which may save money in the
long term. You are concerned that your limited budget may not entirely cover
the costs of cleaning up this incident, let alone other problems that may arise
in the future. There are many other pressing problems the city and region must
face, all of which require an expense of some kind. Where will the money come
from? You can apply for special funds from the US government, but there is no
guarantee the money is available or if available will be granted. You would
like to recommend a plan that provides for the health and safety of the area
residents but keeps the clean up costs to a minimum so that funds are available
for other uses. Possible other uses include monitoring the water supply to detect
future contamination and hiring consultants to advise farmers, industry personnel,
and members of the public about how to protect the water supply from future
harm. You realize that all of the plans presented have advantages and disadvantages
and that in the presentation it is natural for each presenter to stress the
advantages of each plan. For example, you know that if the incinerator is built,
it will be used to dispose of other hazardous substances once the contaminated
soil is combusted. You realize that the city could perhaps accept hazardous
waste from other areas to be incinerated so that the city could turn a profit.
Pumping the contaminated groundwater may disturb long-standing patterns of groundwater
flow and might pull groundwater, possibly polluted from other sources, toward
your town. Transporting excavated soil involves risk, as does the new, untested
electrical field method would be the least expensive. If incineration were not
allowed, clay barrier containment would be less expensive than excavation and
transportation of the soil to a hazardous waste dumpsite. You are prepared to
counsel the citizens to take the time to consider the problem carefully instead
of rushing to decide quickly. You will run the town council meeting, calling
it to order, calling speakers to the podium, recognizing people who have questions
for others, and initiating the vote. You will also create a poster or banner
that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up. You will discuss the
merits of the cleanup method you want chosen. You will also write a script to
turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
You are an elected member of the Fairview Town Council. You have been on the
Town Council for 3 years. Your ideas are held in high regard by the members
of the community. You will be seated in front of the Town Hall Meeting in your
position of honor, from where you will help direct the Town Hall Meeting. You
run the local bakery, and most members of the community get their bread, pastry,
and dessert items from you. You realize that if the clean up method that is
chosen results in the loss of jobs for very many people, then your business
will be noticeably affected (ie., you will make less profit from your store).
You were also elected for your stand on "No new taxes" . The people that voted
for you are going to want a clean up plan that keeps their taxes from getting
too high. You keep these ideas in mind as you choose your preferred clean up
method. You will create a poster that supports yourpreferred method of aquifer
clean up, or that at the same time helps preserve jobs for the community and
the prosperity of your business. You will also turn in your written script from
your speech to the Town Council. Make sure to ask questions to the people representing
the companies that are bidding to earn the clean up job, so that you can clarify
any questions you have, and also to help the ordinary folk of the town to make
their decisions too.
16. TOWN COUNCIL PERSON-"environmentalist" (fisherman/woman)
You are an elected member of the Fairview Town Council. You have been on the
Town Council for 10 years. Your ideas are held in high regard by the members
of the community. You will be seated in front of the Town Hall Meeting in your
position of honor, from where you will help direct the Town Hall Meeting. You
run the local sporting goods store, and most members of the community get their
fishing gear and sports equipment from you. You realize that if the clean up
method that is chosen results in the loss of jobs for very many people, then
your business will be noticeably affected (ie., you will make less profit from
your store). You were also elected for your stand on preserving the clean, healthy
environment of the Fairview region . The people that voted for you are going
to want a clean up plan that gets rid of the chemical from the aquifer so that
everyone will be safe, and so that the natural environment will be maintained
or improved. You keep these ideas in mind as you choose your preferred clean
up method. You will create a poster that supports yourpreferred method of aquifer
clean up, or that at the same time helps preserve jobs for the community and
the prosperity of your business. You will also turn in your written script from
your speech to the Town Council. Make sure to ask questions to the people representing
the companies that are bidding to earn the clean up job, so that you can clarify
any questions you have, and also to help the ordinary folk of the town to make
their decisions too.
17. TOWN COUNCIL PERSON-local John Deere Tractor Factory You are an elected
member of the Fairview Town Council. You have been on the Town Council for 3
years. Your ideas are held in high regard by the members of the community. You
will be seated in front of the Town Hall Meeting in your position of honor,
from where you will help direct the Town Hall Meeting. You are the union representative
for the workers at the John Deere Tractor Engine Assembly Plant, so you represent
about 100 people and their jobs. You realize that if the clean up method that
is chosen results in the loss of jobs for very many people, then you will be
out of a job, and the economy of Fairview will be very much reduced. You worry
that if there are no jobs in Fairview, then no one will want to live there,
and the future for this town will be bleak, with high unemployment and high
taxes resulting from the clean up. The people that voted for you are going to
want a clean up plan that preserves jobs. Clean up of the aquifer is secondary
to job preservation. You must find a clean up method that will save the jobs
of as many workers as you can, but also provides a safe environment for they
and theor families to live in. You keep these ideas in mind as you choose your
preferred clean up method. You will create a poster that supports yourpreferred
method of aquifer clean up, or that at the same time helps preserve jobs for
the community and the prosperity of your business. You will also turn in your
written script from your speech to the Town Council. Make sure to ask questions
to the people representing the companies that are bidding to earn the clean
up job, so that you can clarify any questions you have, and also to help the
ordinary folk of the town to make their decisions too.
20. CONCERNED CITIZEN -"against bioremediation (use of bacteria)
You are a single parent of 4 children who has lived in Blue Heron Shores for
4 years. You are very concerned about the safety issues involved with the contaminated
aquifer. You want the aquifer cleaned up so that it will be safe for all of
the children that live there. However, you are against the proposed clean up
method which involves the use of genetically engineered bacteria which have
been designed to eat up the harmful chemical. You fear that this mutant germ
will mutate further and become deadly, and thus spread through the aquifer to
make everyone in Fairview ill. You also feel that although this method is inexpensive,
the risks involved with this germ are too great. Describe to the town council
which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and
tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner
that attacks the use of chemical-eating bacteria to clean up Fairview's aquifer.
You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in
front of the town council.
18. TOWN COUNCIL PERSON-"Greedy person who wants to preserve jobs at all costs!"
You are an elected member of the Fairview Town Council. You have been on the
Town Council for 8 years. Your ideas are held in high regard by the members
of the community. You will be seated in front of the Town Hall Meeting in your
position of honor, from where you will help direct the Town Hall Meeting. You
are the the owner of the local plumbing supply store. You realize that if the
clean up method that is chosen results in the loss of jobs for very many people,
the economy of Fairview will be very much reduced. You worry that if there are
no jobs in Fairview, then no one will want to live there, and the future for
this town will be bleak, with high unemployment and high taxes resulting from
the clean up. The people that voted for you are going to want a clean up plan
that preserves jobs. Clean up of the aquifer is secondary to job preservation.
You must find a clean up method that will save the jobs of as many workers as
you can, but also provides a safe environment for they and theor families to
live in. For these reasons, you have chosen a different method which your plumbers
could do. You propose to sink pipes into the aquifer, which could pump out water
which could be filtered and cleaned before dumping it back into the ground,
or into the Columbia River. This clean up method would be quick and relatively
inexpensive, costing about $10 million in US dollars (or about $200 extra each
year for 10 yrs). And you would turn a tidy profit to by providing the supplies
as well as creating new jobs for the local people of Fairview. There would be
no need to hire "foreigners" to clean the aquifer! You will create a poster
that supports yourpreferred method of aquifer clean up (water pumping & filtering),
or that at the same time helps preserve jobs for the community and the prosperity
of your business. You will also turn in your written script from your speech
to the Town Council. Make sure to ask questions to the people representing the
companies that are bidding to earn the clean up job, so that you can clarify
any questions you have, and also to help the ordinary folk of the town to make
their decisions too.
19. PARENT- "wants pollution removed"
You live close to Fairview School, which your 2 children attend. Although
you are concerned about possible damage to the environment, you worry primarily
about the danger of children playing in the contaminated area. You know that
within the last week, over a dozen children have developed sore throats, red
and watery eyes, and persistent rashes. Several of the local pediatricians (baby
doctors) feel that these symptoms may indicate that the children are showing
signs of chemical poisoning. You are mainly concerned about this because you
wonder what affects the chemical may be having on your children! You think that
even if fences surrounding the contaminated area are erected, they will not
cover enough of the area, and you doubt they will be maintained or monitored
over the dozens of years needed for the chemical to disperse elsewhere or breakdown
into harmless substances. Children will not heed warning signs and will climb
the fences to play on the other side, especially since the worst poisoning is
in a field next to the school. You want the contaminated soil removed from the
area, regardless of the cost. You are somewhat suspicious of the other methods,
and would like to see proof that they are effective and safe. You want the contaminated
soil removed quickly because of the danger posed to children playing in the
area, especially since the chemical is likely to be more concentrated in the
soil near the contamination site. Describe to the town council which method
you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons
why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports
your preferred method of aquifer clean up. You will also write a script to turn
in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
21. Concerned Citizen "has expensive house"
You live on Interlachen Lane between Blue and Fairview Lakes with your family.
You are concerned about the pollution, and would like to see it cleaned up.
However, you are against excavation of the polluted aquifer because you will
lose your home. You have lived there for all your life, and have many happy
memories there. Furthermore, your house and land are currently worth $300,000,
but the city has offered you only $130,000 to buy your land and thus be able
to dig it up in order to clean the aquifer. You are very mad that you will lose
$170,000 if the town council chooses to excavate the aquifer. You are also concerned
that the polluted soil that is dug up will somehow leak its poison into new
areas, and that some pollution will escape if the soil is burned. You also fear
that if the soil is excavated & then transported to the A-1 Hazardous Waste
Disposal site (4 miles away), the transporting trucks may get into a wreck and
spill their deadly cargo onto the road or worse, into a creek where the pollution
can spread even further. Describe to the town council which method you would
like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you
prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred
method of aquifer clean up or that shows your concern about your losing money
if your house must be destroyed to clean up the aquifer. You will also write
a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
22. Concerned Citizen
You live in Blue Heron Shores with your family. You are concerned about the
pollution, and would like to see it cleaned up. However, you are against excavation
of the polluted aquifer because you will lose your home. You have lived there
for all your life, and have many happy memories there. Furthermore, your house
and land are currently worth $200,000, but the city has offered you only $100,000
to buy your land and thus be able to dig it up in order to clean the aquifer.
You are very mad that you will lose $100,000 if the town council chooses to
excavate the aquifer. You are also concerned that the polluted soil that is
dug up will somehow leak its poison into new areas, and that some pollution
will escape if the soil is burned. You also fear that if the soil is excavated
& then transported to the A-1 Hazardous Waste Disposal site (4 miles away through
busy city streets), the transporting trucks may get into a wreck and spill their
deadly cargo onto the road or worse, into a creek where the pollution can spread
even further. Describe to the town council which method you would like to see
used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that
method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method
of aquifer clean up, or that shows your concern about your losing money if your
house must be destroyed to clean up the aquifer.. You will also write a script
to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
23. Concerned Taxpayer
You live in Fairview Lake Estates with your family of 5. Some of the worst
pollution in the aquifer is under your house. You have lived in your house for
10 years and your family has shown no effects of the pollution. You don't believe
that the poison is that bad. You are concerned that cleaning up the aquifer
will raise your taxes. You have learned from your neighbor that your taxes will
be raised to take care of the problem (see your notes for the costs of each
method. Currently, you are paying as many taxes as you can afford. You would
like the town council to do nothing, that is the pollution should be allowed
to disperse and decrease in its harmful effects naturally so that you don't
have to pay any new taxes. You might consider & support other low cost methods,
but only as a last resort because you want to pay the least amount of taxes.
You don't think it would be very expensive to truck water into town if they
had to cap the wells since they did that in Oregon after the great winter floods
of 1993-94. Describe to the town council which method you would like to see
used to clean up the pollution , and tell reasons why you prefer that method.
You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer
clean up, or that shows your concern for a raise in taxes due to the clean up
of the aquifer. You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when
you speak in front of the town council.
24. Concerned Taxpayer- "against paying for pollution"
You live one mile to the north of Fairview with your family of 3. There is
no pollution in the aquifer under your house. You feel that the pollution is
not your concern, since the nearest pollution in the aquifer is at least one-half
mile away from your property, and it is not moving nearer to you. You are concerned
that cleaning up the aquifer will raise your taxes. You don't feel that you
should pay for the cleanup of the aquifer since it does not affect you. You
have learned frm an earlier town meeting that your taxes will be raised (see
your notes for costs). Currently, you are paying as many taxes as you can afford.
You would like the town council to do nothing. That is, the pollution should
be allowed to disperse and decrease in its harmful effects naturally so that
you don't have to pay any new taxes. You might consider electrification, but
only as a last resort because you want to pay the least amount of taxes. Describe
to the town council which method you would like to see used to clean up the
pollution (in this case, they should do nothing), and tell reasons why you prefer
that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred
method of aquifer clean up, or that shows your concern for a raise in taxes
due to the clean up of the aquifer. You will also write a script to turn in
which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
25. Concerned Citizen-"against digging up the pollution"
You live in Fairview Lake Estates. You don't like the idea of digging up Fairview
to rid the aquifer of its pollution because you will lose your house, which
you just bought last year. You don't like the idea of losing money on your investment
if you are forced to sell your house at a loss (you would lose $140,000) so
that the area can be dug up. You would prefer that the town council decide to
dig extra wells at various sites above the polluted aquifer in order to pump
the chemical out of the aquifer so the water can be purified. Describe to the
town council which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution
instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster
or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up (in this case
pumping the water out to clean it). You will also write a script to turn in
which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
26. Person who has become ill due to drinking polluted water
You are upset with the town of Fairview for allowing the pollution to get
into the aquifer in the first place. The result was that you have become ill
due to drinking the water (You have one of the private irrigation wells which
goes into the aquifer.) You have had a constant, itchy rash over 1/3 of your
body, constant headaches, your hands persistently shake, and you have trouble
speaking at times, because of slurred words or slow speech. You haven't been
able to work for the last 2 weeks because of this poisoning. You went to the
doctor last week, and she prescribed a series of tests which cost $1500 a piece.
You think that your treatment will cost you at least $15,000 and you are worried
because you don't have any health insurance, and also because you aren't sure
when you will be able to go to work again. You hope that the town council will
take whatever steps it takes to clean up the pollution. Describe to the town
council which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead,
and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner
that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up. You will also write
a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
27. Concerned Citizen-"supports excavating the polluted aquifer"
You live in Fairview Lake Estates. You have lived there for 7 years. You do
not want to see the pollution spread to become problems for other people. You
would like to see the pollution cleaned up, and feel that the best method to
do this would be to excavate the polluted area and then incinerate the polluted
soil to make sure that all pollutants have been removed. You feel that people
will be able to build new homes in Fairview once the soil has been cleaned and
replaced in the ground. You think this method won't hurt people very much because
they will still have the land to build on, and the money the town gives them
to reimburse them for their homes can be used to build new homes. If people
are careful, they may even be able to make a profit! Describe to the town council
which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution (in this case,
the excavation & incineration method), and tell reasons why you prefer that
method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method
of aquifer clean up. You will also write a script to turn in which you will
use when you speak in front of the town council.
28. Concerned Citizen-lives in country
You live in the country, 5 miles from Fairview. You have enjoyed visiting
Fairview on a regular basis, and you do all of your shopping there. You also
have many friends in Fairview. You would like to see the pollution cleaned up,
and feel that the best method to do this would be to excavate the polluted area
and then incinerate the polluted soil to make sure that all pollutants have
been removed. You feel that people will be able to build new homes in Fairview
once the soil has been cleaned and replaced in the ground. You think this method
won't hurt people very much because they will still have the land to build on,
and the money the town gives them to reimburse them for their homes can be used
to build new homes. Describe to the town council which method you would like
to see used to clean up the pollution (in this case, the excavate and incinerate
method), and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster
or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up. You will
also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of
the town council.
29. TEACHER, Fairview Elementary School
You have taught at the Fairview Elementary School for the last five years.
You teach kindergarden to 25 youngsters, and are very close to your students.
You are concerned because you have noticed that some of your pupils have had
rashes on their bodies for the last year which have persisted. More students
have had rashes in recent weeks, and some have also complained of frequent headaches
and red, watery eyes. In addition, you have noticed a burning sensation in your
eyes and nose whenever you go into the basement to get supplies. You are wondering
if fumes from the chemical in the aquifer might be leaking into the air in the
basement under the school and if these fumes may be somethng to worry about.
You would like to see the school saved if possible, but are more concerned for
the safety of the children, so you are willing to see the school destroyed if
necessary to rid Fairview of this deadly groundwater pollution problem. Describe
to the town council which method you would like to see used to clean up the
pollution instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create
a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up.
You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in
front of the town council.
30. Berry & Fruit Farmer
Your family has farmed in the Fairview area for the last 30 years. Your family
has owned the farm for about 100 years, so a long tradition is threatened by
the pollution. You are currently producing apples, pears, raspberries, and blueberries.
You employ 20 residents of Fairview, and you pay a lot of taxes for Fairview
so that the townspeople can enjoy clean water, police and fire protection, modern
schools, safe roads, and clean parks. You fear that the pollution in the aquifer
will spread under your farm, thus endangering your crops. The chemical may kill
your fruit & berry plants, and at least may poison the fruits and berries so
that they couldn't be harvested and sold to the hungry people who demand your
product. You fear that a polluted aquifer under your farm will mean that you
would have to bulldoze over your plants, or worse that you would have to sell
the farm for a big financial loss. The long term affects would of course be
lost taxes for the town (so the town would be a lot poorer) and you would have
to lay off all of your employees, and where would they find work? You definitely
want the pollution to be cleaned up, and prefer the electrification method since
it is cheaper, and because it could very likely clean up all the pollution,
not just that which has been discovered by the test wells. Describe to the town
council which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution (in
this case, the electrification method), and tell reasons why you prefer that
method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method
of aquifer clean up. You will also write a script to turn in which you will
use when you speak in front of the town council.
31. Concerned Citizen
You live in Fairview Lake Estates. You don't like the idea of digging up Fairview
to rid the aquifer of its pollution because you will lose your house, which
you just bought 2 years ago. You don't like the idea of losing money on your
investment if you are forced to sell your house at a loss (you would lose $60,000)
so that the area can be dug up. You would prefer that the town council decide
to dig extra wells at various sites above the polluted aquifer in order to pump
the chemical out of the aquifer so the water can be purified. Describe to the
town council which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution
instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster
or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up (in this case
pumping the water out to clean it). You will also write a script to turn in
which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
32. FISHERMAN- downstream from Chinook Landing
You live on your fishing boat at a dock on the Columbia River downstream from
the Chinook Landing, which is about a mile west of the pollution in Fairview.
You, your spouse, and your two kids earn a living by fishing for crayfish, sturgeon,
salmon, bass, and other freshwater fish on the Columbia River. This section
of the river is still relatively unpolluted and the fishing here is pretty good,
although you have noticed fewer fish in the river over the last few years. You
are concerned that the fish in the Columbia River will become contaminated with
Fairview's chemical, which may result in the poisoning of your family since
you mostly eat fish and shellfish caught from the Columbia River, and more importantly,
if the state government decides that the fish are too contaminated, the Columbia
River fishery may be shut down, which would leave you penniless and without
a home, as you still have many payments left to make on your new boat. You have
seen the effects of toxic wastes dumped into the lower sections of the Columbia
River and know how it poisons and kill many fish and birds at the worst, and
how it leaves terrible tumors and lesions (open sores) on the skins of the fish
that must swim through those waters and survive. You of course are very upset
about the problem of chemical getting into the Columbia River, and you want
to let the Fairview Town Council know how you feel. Describe to the town council
which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and
tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner
that supports the preservation of clean rivers so that you can continue fishing.
You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in
front of the town council.
33. Concerned Citizen-"wants to excavate pollution to get rid of it"
You live in Fairview Lake Estates. You have lived there for 5 years with your
family of 14. You do not want to see the pollution spread to become problems
for other people. You would like to see the pollution cleaned up, and feel that
the best method to do this would be to excavate the polluted area and then incinerate
the polluted soil to make sure that all pollutants have been removed. You feel
that people will be able to build new homes in Fairview once the soil has been
cleaned and replaced in the ground. You think this method won't hurt people
very much because they will still have the land to build on, and the money the
town gives them to reimburse them for their homes can be used to build new homes.
If people are careful, they may even be able to make a profit! Describe to the
town council which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution
(in this case, the excavation & incineration method), and tell reasons why you
prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred
method of aquifer clean up. You will also write a script to turn in which you
will use when you speak in front of the town council.
34. HOPS FARMER-Fairview, OR
You own the hops farm on the northeast edge of Fairview. Your family has owned
this farm for six generations, and you are very proud of the family tradition
for producing quality hops. In fact, your farm has produced award winning hops
for most of the last 30 years, and beer brewers all over America would like
to buy your hops to help improve their brews. You are of course very worried
that the toxic waste in Fairview's aquifer may harm your hops plants, destroying
your current crop which is worth millions of dollars. You are also concerned
that should your crop be saved, that the hops may become contaminated with the
chemical, which would mean that the federal agricultural inspectors would decide
to ban your product for sale, causing a large economic loss for you. Perhaps
you would have to abandon your farm if the soil was too contaminated so that
crops could never be planted and harvested there again. You also point out that
your farm employs about 30 Fairview residents. You may be forced to lay these
people off if the contamination isn't dealt with. Such layoffs would have grave
effects on the community as they would no longer be able to buy goods from the
local shops, and they would no longer provide their taxes to the region as they
would not be employed. The economy of the Fairview area would definitely be
impacted if the groundwater pollution were to spread and put your farm out of
business. You want the town council to clean up the problem. You are willing
to pay your share of taxes to support whatever idea that they come up with.
Describe to the town council which method you would like to see used to clean
up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will
create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean
up or that shows that you want to protect your farm and all of the jobs it provides.
You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in
front of the town council.
You have worked as breumeister at the beer brewery for ten years. You are
concerned that if the town decides to dig up the polluted aquifer, your brewery
will have to be destroyed as tests have shown that there is chemicals beneath
part of your brewery. You of course are worried about the loss of your job.
You of course mention that if the brewery is destroyed, 50 people will be put
out of work for at least a year or so while a new brewery is built. You point
out that the loss of the brewery from the local economy would have devastating
effects from the point of view of fewer consumers, which could possibly mean
other businesses being forced out of business, etc. in a domino type effect.
Of course your brewery pays $80,000 in taxes to the local government, and your
employees pay many thousands of dollars of taxes which would be lost too. It
would be difficult to pay for any clean up of the aquifer if the clean up operation
also meant the loss of too many jobs. You want the town council to clean up
the problem. You are willing to pay your share of taxes to support whatever
idea that they come up with. Describe to the town council which method you would
like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you
prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred
method of aquifer clean up or that shows that you want to protect your job first.
You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in
front of the town council.
36. WORKER AT JOHN DEERE ENGINE FACTORY You work on the assembly line at the
John Deere Engine assembly plant. You have worked there for one year. You are
concerned that the factory must be destroyed if one of the plans to excavate
the contaminated aquifer are chosen as the clean up method by the townspeople.
Management at the factory have notified you and the other 100 workers that they
would not rebuild the engine factory in Fairview, and that you and the other
workers would probably not be rehired if the factory is built elsewhere. You
point out that John Deere pays many thousands of dollars in taxes to the Fairview
government which would be sorely missed if the factory were to be shut down.
The families of the workers would need assistance from the local social service
agencies, thus draining tax reserves which would be needed to clean up the aquifer.
You also point out that so many unemployed workers would also affect the local
economies since these people would not be able to afford to buy many of the
items they normally would purchase in Fairview. This would of course hurt Fairview.
You think that closing the engine factory is a very stupid idea! You want the
townspeople to choose another way to clean up the aquifer other than excavating
and removing the contaminated soil beneath the town. Describe to the town council
which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and
tell reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner
that supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up or that shows that you
feel it is important that the factory should be saved (ie., jobs are more important
than the environment). You will also write a script to turn in which you will
use when you speak in front of the town council.
37. Person who has become ill due to drinking polluted water
You are upset with the town of Fairview for allowing the pollution to get
into the aquifer in the first place. The result was that you have become ill
due to exposure to the soil in your garden. You have had a constant, itchy rash
over 1/3 of your body, constant headaches, your hands persistently shake, and
you have trouble speaking at times, because of slurred words or slow speech.
You haven't been able to work for the last 2 weeks because of this poisoning.
The doctor thinks you have some form of chemical poisoning. She doesn't know
whether you will ever be completely cured. You aren't sure when you will be
able to go to work again. You hope that the town council will take whatever
steps it takes to clean up the pollution. Describe to the town council which
method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell
reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that
supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up, or that exposes the health
problems associated with prolonged exposure to chemicals. You will also write
a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the town council.
You work pumping gas and as a mechanic at Randy's Texaco Gas Station. You
have worked there for 3 years. You are concerned that you will lose your job
if the polluted aquifer must be be dug up in order to clean the toxic waste
up. You of course know that the groundwater beneath the Texaco station is currently
contaminated with chemical. There are currently no other gas station jobs open
in the region, and it would take several years to retrain yourself in a different
trade. You would rather work and earn an honest living instead of being unemployed
and living off of any unemployment benefits you might be entitled to. Your gas
station has served the needs of both the community as well as tourists passing
through Fairview on the highway for many years. You are very proud of the safe
record your station has maintained while unloading gasoline into the underground
storage tanks, and you and your partner (Randy) have spent your own money to
have the ground your station tested for gasoline leaks every year, and you even
spent thousands of dollars on installing new gas tanks two years ago to ensure
that no pollution got into the aquifer. You of course are very upset at the
possibility that you may have to close your station because other greedy people
dumped their wastes in the countryside instead of being responsible people like
you and your partner. Describe to the town council which method you would like
to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you prefer
that method. You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred
method of aquifer clean up or that shows that you want to save your station
& the jobs it creates. You will also write a script to turn in which you will
use when you speak in front of the town council.
39. Concerned Taxpayer
You live along Blue Heron Shores with your family of 7. Some of the worst
pollution in the aquifer is under your house. You have lived in your house for
10 years and your family has shown no effects of the pollution. However, you
believe that the poison is dangerous. You are concerned that cleaning up the
aquifer will raise your taxes. You have learned from your neighbor that your
taxes will raise if the pollution is to be cleaned up (look at your notes for
the costs of each method). Currently, you are paying as many taxes as you can
afford. Even though you are paying as many taxes as you can, you would like
the town council to clean up the aquifer. You will come up with the money for
the taxes some how. You feel that the health of your children and neighbors
is a more important responsibility than doing nothing. You would consider electrification
or use of the chemical eating bacterica as clean up methods because you want
to pay the least amount of taxes. Describe to the town council which method
you would like to see used to clean up the pollution (in this case, choose one
of the least expensive methods), and tell reasons why you prefer that method.
You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer
clean up. You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when you
speak in front of the town council.
You work as a personnel manager at the John Deere Tractor Engine assembly
plant. You have worked there for two years. You are concerned that the factory
must be destroyed if one of the plans to excavate the contaminated aquifer are
chosen as the clean up method by the townspeople. As part of the management
team at the factory, you have notified your 100 employees that the owners will
not rebuild the engine factory in Fairview if it must be destroyed, and that
most of the employees would probably not be rehired if the factory is built
elsewhere. You point out that John Deere pays over $100,000 dollars in taxes
to the Fairview government which would be sorely missed if the factory were
to be shut down. The families of the workers would need assistance from the
local social service agencies, thus draining tax reserves which would be needed
to clean up the aquifer. You also point out that so many unemployed workers
would also affect the local economies since these people would not be able to
afford to buy many of the items they normally would purchase in Fairview. This
would of course hurt Fairview. You think that closing the engine factory is
a very stupid idea! You want the townspeople to choose another way to clean
up the aquifer other than excavating and removing the contaminated soil beneath
the town. Describe to the town council which method you would like to see used
to clean up the pollution instead, and tell reasons why you prefer that method.
You will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer
clean up or that shows that you want to save the factory (ie., jobs before the
environment). You will also write a script to turn in which you will use when
you speak in front of the town council.
41. First grader who has become ill due to exposure to polluted groundwater
You are a first grader at the Fariview Elementary School. You and your parents
are upset with the town of Fairview for allowing the pollution to get into the
aquifer in the first place. The result was that you have become ill due to drinking
the water, or perhaps as your teacher has said, from breathing chemical fumes
that have excaped fromhe ground into the air. You have had a constant, itchy
rash over 1/2 of your body, along with constant headaches. You haven't been
able to go to school for the last week because of this poisoning. You went to
the doctor last week, and he prescribed a series of tests which cost $1500 a
piece. Your parents think that your treatment will cost them at least $15,000
and you are worried because the federal health insurance doesn't adequately
cover such health problems. You hope that the town council will take whatever
steps it takes to clean up the pollution so that you and your friends, the future
of Fairview, will not be further endangered. Describe to the town council which
method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution instead, and tell
reasons why you prefer that method. You will create a poster or banner that
supports your preferred method of aquifer clean up or that supports the good
health of the children. You will also write a script to turn in which you will
use when you speak in front of the town council.
42. Pumpkin & Vegetable Farmer
Your family has owned the farm in the Fairview area for about 100 years, so
a long tradition is threatened by the pollution. You are currently producing
pumpkins, cabbage, carrots, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. You employ
30 residents of Fairview, and you pay a lot of taxes for Fairview so that the
townspeople can enjoy clean water, police and fire protection, modern schools,
safe roads, and clean parks. You fear that the pollution in the aquifer will
spread under your farm, thus endangering your crops. The chemical may kill your
plants, and at least may poison the fruit and vegetables you grow so that they
couldn't be harvested and sold to the hungry people who demand your product.
You fear that a polluted aquifer under your farm will mean that you would have
to bulldoze over your plants, or worse that you would have to sell the farm
for a big financial loss. The long term affects would of course be lost taxes
for the town (so the town would be a lot poorer) and you would have to lay off
all of your employees, and where would they find work? You definitely want the
pollution to be cleaned up, and prefer the electrification method since it is
cheaper, and because it could very likely clean up all the pollution, not just
that that has been discovered by the test wells. Describe to the town council
which method you would like to see used to clean up the pollution (in this case,
the electrification method) and tell reasons why you prefer that method. You
will create a poster or banner that supports your preferred method of aquifer
clean up or thast shows why it is so important to save your farm. You will also
write a script to turn in which you will use when you speak in front of the
town council.